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Poison Ivy

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Everything posted by Poison Ivy

  1. Poison Ivy

    Group Tint

    I'm still in. Thanks for setting this up!
  2. 10 cans of white for Lola (rims 2 cans of red for El Coqui 3 cans of gloss 2 spray nozzles 2 bottles of Pre-dip spray Oh and plan to pick up some black at HD for El Coqui Geno's going to try to do the belt line in this shade of red to see if it will match the mirror caps better. Dechrome in black. And paint his winter rims black. I'll paint my rims white and maybe a few other things.
  3. Just placed a $165 order of PD for both our MINIs
  4. So we watched a few PD videos and when it comes to taping, some said to tape right up to the edge, while others said to leave room for the PD to touch the car then peel off the excess.
  5. Shucks, right after the Marine Corps Ball, no big deal, I will not miss it this year! Looking forward to helping with the planning!
  6. Alright everyone, I've been given the task of trying to get more of you to come next year. We had a blast at Mickey and MINI 7 (last year) and 8. We've made a lot of great friends in the Sunshine MINIs community.
  7. Lets confirm that I get them tomorrow morning. Then I'll PM you Gigi to mail it to you.
  8. Sure if you'd like I can accept Paypal via catalina.rivera2@gmail.com
  9. I'll go to the giftshop in the morning
  10. At Mickey and MINI and thought I'd ask if anyone wants me to pick them up one of these pins like I did last year. Price is $9.95. Thanks. We leave tomorrow so just let me know. Catalina
  11. Ali, if I were to go to Inova this evening, could I give blood towards this event and your goals? If not, I'm sorry I can't participate and I'll make an appointment at the Pentagon for the military hospitals.
  12. What is going on? Wow... Also when I saw a new post on this thread my eyes got wide. I was afraid the other DS MCS we drove next to last night saw me driving El Coqui terribly! El Coqui is manual and I only know enough about driving manual that if it was an emergency and I needed to drive the car I could. Well last night Geno got the bright idea that I should drive home as practice. We pull up to an intersection with another DS MCS next to us. We waved and the light turned green and I ended up leading. Next intersection they are behind us and instead of going into 1st I put it in reverse then stall out. I warned Geno as soon as I got in the driver seat that I would embarrass El Coqui. Oh well... here's hoping that owner isn't on DCMM. lol...
  13. Up late unable to sleep so I had to commit my costume idea to paper. Now can I go to bed please?
  14. I'm looking for white PD as well. I'd take them off your hands too.
  15. Chris so you were just the guy who just smiled and wasn't in a MINI. He remembered but was like what does he want... lol. He says hi.
  16. Bert, not a complaint, it was just my own rustiness. Lola's been parked too much. That's terrible about the camera. I really hope someone just picked it up by accident and it will be returned. I had my windows down the whole time too. Last weekend when we were in NYC and at Liberty Island we were sitting on a bench and a family came up who was getting their kids settled. Once they walked off I noticed the dad had left his big professional looking camera on the bench so I ran after them to return it. They were so happy to have it returned. I wish more people thought like this.
  17. eww, had to remove the puking emocon. I wasn't feeling motion sickness, but I felt rusty (driving) trying to keep up as the fifth car on those narrow roads, I can't imagine how spirited it was for Haemish as the sweeper. Nevertheless, we still had a great time on the run and at the picnic! :congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats::congrats:
  18. Today was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who organized the run and to the MINI of MoCo staff.
  19. What time is departure for the ferry I can't find it on both the forums
  20. Alright it's too beautiful outside, maybe I will go
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