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Everything posted by Yarsay

  1. Can't beat RWD for fun - last winter I was driving my E36 on summer rubber and managed to drive in every storm that hit us. Was a blast and it's much more fun to steer with the throttle...
  2. Not sure where you are but I ordered mine from Tirerack and had them shipped to PBC Automotive in Chantilly (close to my office). They have fixed rate pricing which you can see when you order the tires and it's convenient to have them shipped directly so you don't have to deal with getting the tires to the installer. They will work on run-flats, I think it is a $5 up-charge per tire. Standard ground shipping arrived there in 2 business days.
  3. Maybe a sore subject after snowpocalypse and snowmageddon last year but I love snow and love driving in snow even more - guess I'll chalk it up to my Maine roots. I installed a set of Blizzak snow shoes on Monday and have been checking the weather hourly for chances of snow since (luckily it didn't take long). This is my first winter driving the MINI and I've been curious to see how it would tackle the weather. Short story - I'm impressed! With a good set of rubber it doesn't seem to have much trouble with snow at all (though ground clearance will still be an issue). The top level of my work parking garage was left untouched all day so it had 2 inches of fresh snow when I got up there to take some time to acquaint myself with my car's 'handling characteristics' - it was a blast! PS - does anyone know how to disable the hand brake 'idiot' chime? Get's real annoying after awhile...
  4. WOW - I'm impressed. Now I'll need to redouble my efforts so I can get a lap time on the power board. Unfortunately my mini is far from stock - I've been spending all my money on upgrades rather than new cars so it's lightened and over 230hp right now.
  5. Good luck with that... I got too frustrated with the Samba vans to keep trying, and my experience with the Elise stage is a short-lived adventure in understeer followed by snap oversteer, especially with a wheel that gives you 2.5 turns lock-to-lock
  6. Agreed! Game arrived last Wednesday and I set up the Logitech G25 and had to fight off my visiting family for a chance to drive over the holiday. I have several shots of a black R56 which I have tuned / styled to get as close to my MINI as possible, will try exporting and uploading later this week. Tilt-shift mode FTW!
  7. I believe I paid $130 for windows + roof... Cold weather has not been helping the drying process, windows were still cloudy this evening, any of you having the same issues?
  8. I'm on for tomorrow and will see you there around 10am
  9. Guess I was a little late to the draw on this one. If we're booked up for the first few hours after 10am I'm likely out - have lunchtime / early afternoon family commitment. In that case I'll likely be trying to find another time to go an upcoming Saturday when we have a few days of sun and before it gets too cold if anyone else is interested.
  10. I have Friday off and might be able to make it happen if it was early enough in the day but family is in town for the holiday and it's an hour each way for me plus install time. What times did he offer to us? If Friday doesn't work out, I'll still be looking to make a tint appointment somewhere (whether with Carlos or TNT in NoVA) - will have to be a Saturday if anyone else wants to schedule around the same time.
  11. I'm looking to get tint as well and Laurel is a long drive from NoVA. I've heard good things about TNT Tint in Alexandria but do not have any first hand experience. Has anyone here had work done with them before? Let me know where you decide to go... maybe we can get a twofer?
  12. Spotted - Red R56 JCW (or modded S?) w/ black bonnet stripes at the M Power driving tour yesterday in Vienna roundabouts 1130am. Tried to find you but you left just as I was wrapping up my test drive.
  13. Hi All, Another new member here. I've had my mini for 8 months but just finally got around to signing up on DCMM. I'll try to remember to wave at all the other Minis going westbound on 66 / 267 in VA each morning - I always see a handful. Make sure to wave back to the black JCW hatch with VA plates! Neil
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