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Everything posted by spike08S

  1. looks nice :top:
  2. :congrats::rofl: :top:
  3. GUMMIE BEARS:eating:
  4. I just dont understand how ANYBODY would let any anyone they know put those on a car..unless :stupid:. Or they might say" you seen blank's car it has eyelashes :evil:muah-ha-ha-ha." or so they can :damnmate: look what you did wrong .
  5. If i run into a car with lashes.i will take them off then i will leave a note on the window saying .your car looks alot better without the lashes.your welcome:top:
  6. I thought i read a few days ago there was a farewell run for one of the members that was moving away.Can't find the post :dontknow:.OR am i going crazy:stupid:
  7. some or most part stores rent tools out .just in case you didn't find it yet
  8. Only time i used the e-brake was learning to drive stick on steep hills.:laugh: does anyone remember doing :motor: :burnout:on steep hill learning to drive.Brings a to my face.
  9. I almost asked where was the monthly meet & greet going to be this month seeing all the post of the meet & greet posting going up back to back I never read the dates on them :rofl: .See you guys on Saturday or :motor:around the DMV area.hit me the MIN
  10. :top:I know its a lil late.But i been through this many of times:banghead: its a pain in the:motz: . i ended up buying a impact screwdriver couple of hits of a hammer to it screw is loose.:rock:. this is what it looks like Klein Tools 70220 Reversible Impact-Driver Sets 32530 Impact Tool Set Hope it helps in the future.:top: P.S. Funny thing most of the time its always the last one of thing you do or put together that give you some problem or the last thing you check is the problem.:rofl::laugh::rofl:
  11. :rock:wish they sold that MINI here. righthand drive what:motor::top:
  12. Sweet shift knob..:joyman:i bet while driving you keep looking down at it:top:
  13. back Got Spike back and keeping my word i will finish the run :motor:or try to at least .I am going to record my trip up the mountain
  14. Its was a blast:top:alot of twisty's :motor:.The next time my car will finish the run.
  15. SWEET video:congrats: never seen my car moving .never seen it from the out looking in .Its always in looking out which is the best view by the way:motor:.. I'll tailgate next time to get GP type video:laugh: Thanks :top:
  16. Took Spike this to morning to the new MOBC they ran for codes .. Came back misfire and a super knock. They said they were going to run for more codes.... get a phone call from them today or tomorrow from them I got:call: MINI involved in this... PMOA
  17. Sweet never seen my car on the road .I always behind the wheel of it:top:
  18. :top:Sweet video nice run:motor:
  19. When I bought my 08S I thought the same thing.I took it to the dealer just in case since i was going cross country in the MINI .They told me just drive it till the service light change oil light comes on.I just made sure it didn't run low on oil .Buy a quart of oil just in case its low.:top:
  20. :top:Had a blast on the :motor:to Skyline dr. :congrats:.Sorry that i could not finish the rest of the :motor:.Spike started missing after we had lunch all the way up the mountain going to Skyline dr. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: Then sound
  21. :rock:Thanks Laura and Ali .:top:Camille and I had a blast.Next time we will win 1st place. I enjoyed doing cartwheels in the beginning :rofl: can't wait till the next one
  22. :top:Congrats on the upgrades. :motor:
  23. Sounds like a good idea.:top:GOT TO KEEP IT CLEAN...
  24. l will be there :top:.Good day for a :motor: .
  25. I was wondering the same thing. where would be a good place ?I live in Silver Spring would drive into d.c. to meet up. What direction is everyone coming from like that we could meet up somewhere in the middle:top: if that works for everyone.
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