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Everything posted by kwikrick

  1. im in for one also..black xxL please? :vroom: _________________________________________________________________________ 2010 MCS Camden Edition Midnight Black Metallic.
  2. yeah..when my ship comes in--i'll be at the train station :hahaha:
  3. swapped out the chrome grill trim for black a couple wks ago..picked it up at mach v motors (sterling, va) during last oil/filter change..looks sweet..have to get the windows tinted next (& a sunroof decal?) ___________________________________________________________________________ 2010 MCS camden ed. midnite blk met.
  4. saw a sweet blk 2010 r57 in the fox run shopping centr in calvert co.--noticed the dcmm tag in the window sooooo i said "hello...." then realized i was in the wifes suv (ha). ___________________________________________________________________________ 2010 MCS camden ed. midnite blk met.
  5. hadda kwik chat w/ owner of a '08 mcs (blue/wht bonnets) in st. leonard p.office lot--nice MINI..was in such a hurry i forgot to pass on a card..will tag you next time :] _________________ 2010 MCS camden ed. midnight blk met.
  6. will be in pittsburgh for the wkend...goooooo steelers!
  7. will be comin up from southern md.....rt 2 to 97n @ 5ish a.m.
  8. yes i agree totally..free changes at the dealership (when the computer says so) but i will drive out to mach v in between (every 7k)..also recommend synthetic (motul is what dan uses?) for any/all new autos..hmmm i dont think i would ever let mr.tire etc touch my camden--im the typical MINI owner?
  9. will see youns in b'more @ 7ish..do i need an EZ pass?.how do i get one??.
  10. 2nd gen blk mini followed me into prince frederick (thats right--way down here in so. md) 7/11 sooooo i had to say hello & passed on a dcmm card as well..seems like there are more & more in calvert & st marys :motor:
  11. i always wave--or usually throw a peace sign..not much response here in southern md..perhaps they dont "get it" yet???..tagged a 2010 red drop-top at the pr. fred. walmart lot--nice MINI (but then i havent met one i didnt like : ).
  12. leaving southern md @ 9ish & will be lookin for other MINIs en route..have a safe drive & see youns there :rock:
  13. went to mach v for first oil change today..turned 7000 this week--growin up fast?!..sure to return in another 7k (no way i can wait until 19000?).
  14. just purchased our tickets online:rock: ..i guess they mail them out??
  15. thank you edge green cactus hyprblu :congrats: & all the members for making my first dcmm run most informative & lotsa fun. i learned more about minis from jay in 20 minutes--and rediscovered how much i like driving them:motor: always nice to see "old"
  16. ah...& my first with DCMM...see you there...
  17. thanks violet--just ordered a couple
  18. very nice to meet all of youns (a lil p'burgh vernacular) & well worth the drive out..hadda bug out early as i was called away but look forward to the next event(s). *what was the website for the mirror/reflector (?) to see the traffic signals w/out str
  19. sounds good..hope to make it.
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