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Everything posted by Gart

  1. Test.
  2. The whole thing.
  3. I will be bringing my camcorder along for the ride. I am practicing video editing and I need some film to work with. I would like to set up off the side of the road somewhere after the halfway point/bathroom break and record the freight train of mini's
  4. I'm not sure if that sheetz can handle 40 mini's. :rock: Let's motor.
  5. Haynes(spelling?) point in dc is a nice spot. Time it right and you can get a plane in the backround from national airport.
  6. Its got a nice fat air/fuel curve. Maybe I could lean it out a bit for some more power.
  7. nascar uses nitrogen in their tires so there must be something to it. :top: But i have no idea if its worth it for daily driving. This is what forums are for to try out new ideas,see what works what doesnt and get some feedback on it.
  8. All runs were done in 4th gear with a cooldown period between each pull. 1st two runs normal mode 3rd run in sport mode. 93 octane fuel. Everything is bone stock except for the addition of a k@n filter kit.
  9. nevermind
  10. I just installed one a few days ago. There is a noticeable difference :top:. This is for my 09 mcs.
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