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Everything posted by Gart

  1. Saw italian job this morning at 1009 am on gideon drive,was nice weather im suprised your top wasnt down. :motor: Couldnt get close enough because of traffic. :motor:
  2. Its a helix stepped core intercooler. I would like to get $400 for it. New they are around $750. No mounting hardware required,no modification required, fits in the same mounting points as the stock one.
  3. Greetings, I am returning my 09 mcs back to stock form. Any interest in purchasing my aftermarket intercooler before i put it on north american motorings website? I can supply pics if you like.
  4. I am not so sure about the stealth part but i would say get an rmw tune for your 07. There is an older thread from when some of us had gone up to mach v motorsports to get our minis tuned by mr. jan b (cant spell his last name) In my opinion it may be the best bang for your buck mod. He plugs in his laptop to your mini,waves his magic wand and poof you have a beast. :top:
  5. Can I shoot some film? I just need a blank vhs tape. :embarassed:
  6. Gart

    Damaged MINI

    I saw this in DC this morning on lanier street nw just behind my shop. It was loaded on a rollback so who knows what else was done.
  7. I recently purchased a smartphone so I tried to link it to the mini so i can use the hands free option while driving(bluetooth droid x2 if that matters ). All went well until the center console of the mini asked for a passcode # or something like that. I thought the number was supposed to be in the owners manual but I cant seem to find it. Suggestion/help please.
  8. I have run flats for tires atm. So im open for suggestions when its time for some better rubber. :motor:
  9. Ding! :top:
  10. I could put my hand on it and show you but the hubby would not approve so its aka..seat of the pants feel.
  11. I don't believe in the butt o meter either :motor: What I can tell you is that I did not buy the larger ic for a performance improvement but more of a cya because after the rmw tune higher boost means higher temps so for an extra added safety factor and piece of mind for me. As for boost..no idea no gage yet..thats next on my list. I do not detect any noticable turbo lag probably due to the fact that smaller turbos spool faster than larger ones.The ic claims less than 1/2 psi boost loss across it so thats quite good. What I can say is under moderate acceleration in 2nd gear 60 mph comes quickly it feels and pulls strong,under hard acceleration it smokes the tires. You catch me at another dcmm event we can go for a ride and see how it makes your butt feel.
  12. Aftermarket installed... no cutting or drilling required,direct bolt in.
  13. This is what the stock intercooler looks like from an 09 mcs.
  14. Since you like sweeping so much ali, come on over to my house i have some work for you to do. :laugh:
  15. I wasnt sure where to post this but I thought just maybe since we all lost a dear friend there could be someone else that needs help. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsuicide.com%2Findex2.html&h=b9f41
  16. So if wheels roll by 10am , how early shall we overtake the wegmans parking lot? :questionmark:
  17. I spoke with a friend at work the other day,he lives in shepardstown, that bavarian inn is more of a...you had better wear a tie to eat so the picnic is a better idea for sure. So if we happen to pass by a man on the side of the road bailing hay,thats him so give him a wave. Its nice to know that he is the battlion chief for the sheperdstown f.d. :top: ps. if you havent done it yet,charge your 2 way radios. I'll bring mine if someone wants to borrow one for the run.
  18. Try naming your car after relative things in your life, for example my vehicle is astro metallic black and my late rhodesian ridgeback was named betty so now my car is known as black betty. "that child gone wild down in alabam" :top: When I saw your name I thought of that island off of the cali coast not to far from san diego called catalina.
  19. So many things to choose from. So my only question is which would be the best for me to just release the tension from my upper shoulders/neck. Thats where I seem to keep all my stress at.
  20. Now that I've had a few days to drive around with the new tune here is my observation. As long as you keep it around 2k rpm its just as a normal everyday mini should be. When you step on the go pedal though and you crack 3k rpm its a different beast entirely... whoa! where did the torque steer come from? The only other difference that you notice is at start up the revs hang around 1k rpm but once you start driving the idle drops back down to around 800 rpm. Once at 800 rpm is has a slight 25 rpm or so blip while sitting at a stop light. :motor:
  21. Just got back from mach v where the tune was done. 09 mcs stock except air filter,13k miles baseline 168 hp 187 torque after tune 205 hp 238 torque :rock::motor:
  22. As I was going home on 395 south this afternoon a mini wanted to merge into the next lane to take the glebe rd exit so I tapped the horn twice in my sprinter and let a topless ali :top: into the lane. I thought going topless in nova was illegal. :wavey:
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