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Everything posted by MINImum

  1. Great pictures, everybody. And a great event! We had a great time at the drive and the lunch. I'm so glad we raised money for such a good cause. Thanks for the goodie bags and the flags, that was awesome! Can't wait for next year.
  2. My husband bought his first MINI in 2006, and he's on MINI #3 now. We kept trading them in, thinking we needed more room for various reasons (the latest reason being the birth of our second child a year ago). But he always went back to the MINI because, well, it gets in your blood. I always lived vicariously through his MINIs and settled for several different cars, among them an Explorer, a BMW wagon, a *gulp* minivan. I was never happy. Finally, and this is the point of my story, I got a Clubman about 2 months ago and we are officially a 2-MINI family. We have a 5-year-old and a 1-year-old, if that gives you any insight into our space needs. We are managing just fine and I wouldn't go back to a bigger car for anything. I just am too passionate about my cars, and with the exception of the Bimmer, I never really loved anything I drove; I just drove what was practical. Bottom line: If you love the MINI, get one (or in your case, two!). You will make it work, it may take a few sacrifices, but it can be done. You will be much happier in the long run.
  3. Sorry to hear that. I know if we were going to be in town we would have attended. Thanks anyway for offering to host! We'll all get together soon.
  4. While I was growing up living north of Chicago, my parents always put snow tires on during the winter (or chains back in the day). But then when I moved back there for a few years as an adult, I never switched to snow tires. I had a Jeep, but it had crappy small stock tires. I think the winters up there were a lot worse than the DC area, I would vote to not worry about it. Use that money for more exciting mods! lol
  5. :top: on the t-shirts. I probably won't be there but hubby will, and I'd love a t-shirt (or a hoodie!) especially if the proceeds go to such a worthwhile cause. Also, someone asked about counter or clockwise. Was that question answered? Sorry if I m
  6. Nice-looking Clubman behind your car in the third picture. I agree about the Plasti-Dip. I hope it lasts a long time, but even if it doesn't it's an easy mod and looks fantastic. Highly recommended. :top:
  7. Hmmm, I was intrigued until I realized they are the exact same wheels I already have. They're growing on me, but I'm always on the lookout for something else. Good luck selling! I can't wait to see pics of the new wheels.
  8. Mike: Okay, my bad! I am actually in Douglasville. I know exactly where Ellijay is. I used to have a boss that lived up there and commuted to Roswell, and I was basically her personal assistant so I was up there all the time. Yes, I'm in ATL MINIS with this screen name, but it's a new screen name for me. Previously I went by Catmint (I think). Someone brought a Classic to the last meet (the picnic at Stone Mountain). It was PinkMINIGirl's hubby, I think. It's red with the right-hand drive (or maybe they all have RHD?).
  9. Hey Mike! Welcome to the DC area! Well, I shouldn't say that because I'm not there yet either, but my husband is already there. I am also in N. Georgia. In Douglasville, just West of Atlanta. Where were you from? And yes, I agree about the traffic. What's worse is the condition of the roads up there. It seems the farther North you get in this country, the worse the roads are! Hope to see you at a meet real soon.
  10. I think all your proposed black-outs will look good. And as far as the headlights on the R56 vs. the R53, I remember someone at MoSA saying it was because the headlights were actually breaking sometimes from the impact of slamming the hood shut. I don't know how widespread the problem was. But I really miss not being able to do dragon eyes like you did. They look great!
  11. Yummy! I can't wait to get it!
  12. Looks great! You were very brave to try it yourself but you did an awesome job! But now you have to change your signature.
  13. It's a sticker I got from Deal's Gap Motorcycle Resort last week. I don't recall seeing them last time I drove the Dragon (but then again, I didn't have a MINI at that time). Here is a closer picture of it. Sorry it's fuzzy, I took like 5 different pics at different angles and it kept coming out fuzzy. But you get the idea. It comes in black, red, white, and chrome. It's about $4. I need one for the other side, so if anyone is going to the Dragon anytime soon, let me know. PS: The electrical tape was a phenomenal failure! It was already peeling off on the ends by this morning. I may go with the tape that was suggested earlier (I also spoke to someone at my local MINI dealer this morning who used it with great success), or think about some kind of painting option.
  14. Congrats carman63! Kind of a lame excuse for not making the run, but I guess we'll let you slide this time! Sadly, I'm back in ATL and can't make it either. However, our local MINI group is also having an event that day so I'll be with you in spirit.
  15. Hmmm, well just blacking out the chrome strip like I did makes a HUGE difference in the amount of chrome. It makes the other chrome pieces stand out instead of just blending in with the rest of the chrome. Since there is already that rubber seal that's black under the chrome, it's not like you would be adding black where it isn't already. If you have some electrical tape, just try one segment of the trim and see how it looks. You don't even have to take the time to make it nice & neat, just to see the effect. Another Laser Blue.... love your car.
  16. I finished my first mod! It's not much, but I'm proud of it, and I'm amazed at what a difference such a little change makes. I'm sure it's not for everybody (a lot of people like all the chrome) but to me it makes the car look almost perfect! I used electrical tape after all, but I got the expensive stuff (it may not be any better, but it said it was good in cold temperatures). It's from 3M and it's called S-88. (In this pic, it looks like you can see chrome at the near end of the last piece. It's just a reflection, believe me when I saw this picture I ran out to make sure I didn't really do THAT bad of a job!)
  17. Looks great! Are you going to eventually get new wheels? Or get your current wheels powdercoated? I have the same wheels as you and I was wondering what they might look like in black (but not the shiny black). I finished the trim line on half my car today, I need to go back out this evening now that the kids are in bed and finish it. I can't drive around with it half-done!
  18. cmcveay: It's beautiful! I love that color. You did a great job. I tried the electrical tape again today and it was too stretchy. Guess I'll be going to HD or outmotoring.com after all.
  19. Koopdup: I think your ideas sound great! I would love to see pictures of your car, Laser Blue is my favorite MINI color. If I were to have gotten that color, I would probably do exactly what you're doing. Cameroon & PlayPlay: I don't have enough electrical tape, so I will probably take a run to Home Depot and see what I can find. Ordering from outmotoring right now would be dangerous, as I would probably put a lot more than one item in my shopping cart! I will post pictures when I'm finished with the tape. I also have a name in mind, so stay tuned.
  20. I think I've figured out what I want to do with the chrome/black issue. I want to black out the chrome trim that goes all the way around the car, the thin strip between the windows and the body. This morning, I used some electrical tape on some of it, and I liked how it looked. I will still be keeping most of the other chrome, and I think this will make the remaining chrome "pop". Anyway, so here's my question. I'm a cheapskate, so could I actually use the electrical tape? Has anyone else done this? It's a little tough to use because it's so stretchy, but other than that it's the perfect color and the perfect width. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  21. The tinting is awesome! :top:
  22. Sid: Okay, I see it better now. Nice! I can't decide if I want to go all chrome (scoop, mirror backs, etc.) or all black. I don't really like mine being some of each. Does the black powdercoating mean that they would be shiny black? I would be interested, as long as it's the flat black (I don't like the shiny, personally). I used to have hyper-black wheels on my Bimmer, I loved them and would love to find something (cheaper) similar for my MINI. Sorry to have hijacked. I would love to see more cannon pics. Anyone? There are so many great photo ops in the DC area.
  23. Sid: Nice pics! I can't wait to move up there to see all the great state and national parks. BTW, that isn't the same car that's in your sig, is it? Do you have two Clubmans? I love the blacked out chrome in the one in your sig.
  24. Max: Love that pic. Matarella: Nice vert! :top: Jeremy: Your pics make me realize how dirty my laptop screen is. Thanks a lot. LOL (But on a cleaner computer, I'm sure they're very nice.)
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