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Everything posted by lastrega

  1. FYI as of last year MD charges $1.50 per month per account regadless its use, this fee is in addition to the regular toll fees
  2. First autocross of th
  3. I just saw this post ...so sorry for the dealy in answering .. Too much of anything is never enough .. or in MINIology terms : Too many MINIs is NEVER enough ... :motor: PS: we were very happy when were a 4 MINI family...
  4. Fellow MINIacs if you attend the autocross day with BMW NCC get Jonathan to ride in your MINI - He can give you some good tips ....or better try to ride in his car... !!! :top:
  5. Jeremy, Sorry I am autoxing on the 1st (finally back in the game now that the house stuff is done). Hope to see you sometimes.. in Annapolis, perhaps?
  6. Would like to add my name with 2 MINs to RSVP but cannot do it .. I guess I need to be DCMM for RSVP.. but not to participate?? Chris sent you a PM
  7. great day yesterday !! quite a few MINIacs showed up with a regular stream of visitors, too. My passanger seat is available anytime.. if you like to go slow... my best time was 5 sec slower than Mike Bravo :congrats: Chris we missed you !!! Hope you fe
  8. I haven't tested Luna yet,,, we can try her Saturday ... I still hoping to have GyPsy, tho. Let's see what MINI USA tech guy is going to say tomorrow..
  9. Mike... looking forward to see you saturday BTW how many of us (MINI drivers) are going to be there ?? I can bring coffee and doughnuts for all my MINI rivals...after all it loo
  10. oh the master cylinder is in.. now is the DSC box ... starting week two w/o GyPsy.. Luna - the clubman- is getting excited !!
  11. If the master cylinder doesn't arrive in time I may autocross with the Clubman ... ..
  12. CDC had added a new day and the season will officiallly open on March 28th @ Harry Grove Stadium, Frederick, MD registration is now closed but there are 4 MINIs scheduled to race..and in need of fans... Hope to see you there !!! GP 0142
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