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Everything posted by CR&PW&JB

  1. FIFTY ? More like 80. :hahaha: you breaking your clips. Don't worry, with so many experts around, no wa
  2. Well... chance of showers now at 40% for this afternoon. And radar shows rain showers moving toward Frederick right now... not sure if it's light enough to evaporate before hitting the ground though. Appears too many of us washed our MINIs and it wa
  3. Affirmative, Jason. They're boxed, so they won't rattle around TOO much. Maybe you can wedge them into your MINI somehow so they wont slide around on all the twisties and drive you :stupid:.
  4. Excellent ! I love a challenge. :fight:
  5. Did you take that pic today after detailing the MINI ? Looks pretty shiny. I might have to go give mine another coat of Banana Gloss. I didn't forget about our little gentlemen's bet tomorrow.
  6. You'll have to have me banned then. Going to make you wait until tomorrow morning to see them in person.
  7. I washed a MINI today. But not the one I'm bringing tomorrow. Washed, polished, and waxed that one last weekend and it's been in the garage ever since. Well... except for yesterday when it got a new pair of shoes. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet shoes
  8. It's up to you, Jason. If you don't want them in your MINI during the run, you're welcome to stop by and get them sometime. I live in Eldersburg, southern part of Carroll County, about 5 miles north of I-70.
  9. Cool. That should save some confustion. Thanks. :top:
  10. Woooooo.... now THAT is a gorgeous weather report. :rock: Hey, Chris... the mall parking lot is pretty darn big. Are we meeting on the south side, right along Rt 40 (Patrick St), or on the east side ?
  11. You still picking up my 17" S-Lites on Sunday, Jason ? I was running Falken Ziex 912s on them and really liked them for a solid summer performance tire.
  12. Hey, Jim Cantore... I mean hey, Chris.... Looks like chance of thunderstorms is back in the forecast, too. Only a 30% chance. I like those odds of staying dry. Can you change the forecast back to the one we had yesterday... 73 and no chance of rai
  13. Hey, Chris... see the latest weather forecast. Now calling for high of 73 degrees. I'm loving that ! :congrats:
  14. Want a challenge to see w
  15. 2 mph ? We could use a stiffer wind to keep us cool. Guess we'll have to create our own breeze. :motor:
  16. SOLD. And that's right Jason, just the wheels. They do have a set of UJ Center Wheel Caps still on them. Removable if you don't like them, of course.
  17. Thanks... that first pic is from two years ago when we first bought Dr Evil. He looks a lot different now... better, I hope. And hey, Sid... not sure about S-Lites on a Clubman. Can't say I've ever seen that combo. You might be right though. Maybe you can get someone with photoshop skills to work it up for you. :idea:
  18. Okay, I still have my set of 4 OEM S-Lites in the garage after replacing them with aftermarket wheels almost a year ago. They must go. They were on the car for about two years. They are in good, but not great condition... a little curb rash on two of them, some small nicks and bruises otherwise. I'm going to let them go ultra-cheap just to unclutter my garage. $100 if you pick them up at a club event from me (saves me the $$ and hassle of shipping). If I ship them, $150. Let me know if interested. Not good close-ups, but in case any newbs aren't sure what S-Lites are:
  19. You sure you're new ? That's a really good questions for a newbie. Hey Chris... where are we meeting up ??? :questionmark:
  20. Very nice job of organizing and leading the run, Bill. :congrats: Always nice to see some of our "older" friends and meeting some of the newbs. And hey... guess what I did when we got home. WRONG !! Washed the OTHER two MINIs. Dr Evil
  21. After participating in Darkness on the Dragon Saturday night, along with about 75 other MINIs, there's something for DCMM to shoot for. I think we'd have to get every cl
  22. Put them on ! As soon as you get there, you're a veteran. You have to :motor: up the Dragon to arrive at Fontana.
  23. Rob is the best. He trains other installers up and down the eastern seaboard. Can't go wrong with him or the materials he uses. Not cheap. But not much in life that is good is cheap.
  24. I hear the JCW intake is pretty darn loud. So if you're driving a convertible, I would recommend staying away from it. I'm about to put the WMW/DDM CAI in our MCS Convertible, getting installed by Way himself at MOTD. From those convertible owners I've heard from on NAM, it's raspy, offers a bit of added horses at 3500+ RPMs and isn't so loud that you have to put your sterio on "deafening" to hear your music. :top:
  25. Roxanne and I are going again. Looking forward to it BIG time ! :rock: Hope to see some of you there. A couple of you, I know I'll see (you know who your are). We'll be heading down on Thursday morning. Too late for most of you, I know. We have 3 MINIs caravaning so far. If anyone else wants to join up, let me know. :motor:
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