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About Luck219

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    First Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Location
    Rockville, MD
  • Occupation
    Forensic Scientist I - Latent Print Unit


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Dark Silver
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  1. I'm assuming this is a completely different shop than the Royal Auto Body in Rockville, MD?
  2. In traffic on 495 last Friday, someone slammed on their brakes in front of me. I was able to stop without hitting them, but the person in the Ford Edge hit my MINI from behind. To make things worse, the person behind him in a 4Runner wasn't able to stop in time either, so he hit the Edge, which hit my MINI again. So - i need a body shop soon. The MINI is still driveable - and i'm still waiting on the insurance to finish things up on their end before i can get the repairs started, but with any hope - i'll have a fixed MINI before Christmas! I've done some research online (from Google reviews, Yelp, etc) and have found the following body shops with pretty good reviews. You guys know any of them; good or bad? - BCC Automotive - Bethesda, MD - Gili's Automotive - Rockville, MD - Hanagan's Auto Body - Silver Spring, MD - Wagonwork Collision - Alexandria, VA (GreenCactus recommended) - Quality Auto Body - Fairfax, VA - NT Auto Body - Alexandria, VA (recommended by Passport MINI) - WT Auto Body - Fairfax, VA (a friend recommended) Thanks! -Heather
  3. I just found these somehow while stumbling around on various websites last night. I had absolutely NO idea that these were being made! ... now, if only i can get back to the forums and DCMM more often, i might have known this 4 weeks ago when the thread posted! hah! :-P
  4. I've heard of Auto World in Gaithersburg, but i've never been there. I live in Rockville, but i've never taken my MINI to anyone else other than the dealerships. Thanks for the heads up though! ... glad you got things fixed before it became a HUGE problem!
  5. I'm bummed that i missed this!! =(
  6. Heh -- go figure. I have an appt in Sterling on this day for my MINI's 1st birthday check-up. Well, technically it's about a month after the one year mark, but it's the thought that counts, right?!? ha! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  7. I missed last year's Curves and Cherries run, and i'm not missing this one! Unless it's on the first weekend of July, in which case i'll have to. So, if the tentative date changes, please not July 4th weekend. I'm in a wedding 6 hours from DC. I cant w
  8. That's awesome! I totally want one too!!!
  9. It was a lot of fun..and so close to our apartment!!! We had to cut out a little earlier than most though. We'd never been there before. Good food! Also, the 'craft' beer and wine store next door was pretty sweet! =)
  10. I saw quite a few mini's in Rockville over the weekend. Not sure on any of the specifics though, other than a Red/white stripes one. I didn't even see if it was an S or not. More importantly, i just needed a forum to test and make sure i'm able to post in the new forums. =)
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