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About MCFox

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

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  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S Hardtop 4 Door
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Pepper White
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name

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  1. Nope. I haven’t done anything so far. Best I can tell, best option may be to have the dealer install the bike rack bumper mods, but it’s pricey.
  2. Does anyone have any experience with leaving their Mini on a battery tender, long term? Have you had any issues or good results? I've started leaving my '92 Miata on a Battery Tender Junior and wondering if this (or another unit) would work as well on my 2016 CooperS. Any advice appreciated. TIA!!! --MC
  3. Does anyone have experience with installing a bumper bike rack (product purchase and install recommendations) for a stock 2016 CooperS. (I tried the Yakima trunk bike rack and it was a disaster; don't ask). I understand that the bumper may need to be modified for a second towing eye, although I'm not really sure what that entails work- / cost-wise. TIA! --MC
  4. Corey & Co, Thanks for another great drive, seriously great roads, great group and great fun! Hope to drive with you again soon! --MCFox
  5. No luck registering. Messaged you.
  6. Anyone else having trouble registering at the charity link? I've tried to register multiple times and it won't go through (says "High Risk of Fraud"). --MCFox
  7. Are we supposed to bring a brown bag lunch for the Parking Lot Picnic?
  8. I went with that yesterday for the wheel with the new tire, but didn't re-torque the rest. Now I will. Thx!
  9. I'm seeing 140nm / 103.3 ft # online., if anyone can confirm. This is for the lug bolts on a 2016 Mini S.
  10. Cool! Thx!
  11. MCFox


    Great photos. All yours?
  12. Great photos. All yours?
  13. Are the leaders and sweeps going to be on FRS radio? If so, what channel/sub-channel. I'm bringing a Midland FRS 36 channel radio with 121 privacy codes for channels 1-22 (83 DCS mode and 38 CTCSS).
  14. Ditto what Scott just said
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