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Everything posted by Egadd

  1. Thanks all!
  2. Fair enough Any other recommendations from the club?
  3. My fiancée's BRZ has picked up a few paint gouges from street parking, some reaching the metal underneath. Worried about rust, I'm looking for a shop that can do some light touch up work. Does anyone have any body/paint shop recommendations in Northern Virginia? We're in Arlington/Alexandria, but willing to drive a bit.
  4. They moved the novice school to April 4th (replacing the test and tune day). I won't be able to attend the new date, but still hope to make it out to some of the season events this year.
  5. Details: https://www.minitakesthestates.com/#the-rally I'm also hoping to meet up with the route in either MD or VA and finish from there.
  6. The NCC chapter of the BMWCCA announced the schedule for their 2020 autocross season. I've signed up for the novice school; will anyone else from the club be there? It's unfortunately the same day as the next run. Full schedule: https://nccautocross.com/event-calendar/ I'm planning to attend as many of the points events this year as I can, hoping to see others out there too!
  7. Egadd

    Misstress Run

    https://photos.app.goo.gl/Nc9jNEnV5fEtg25D8 Here are a few photos and time-lapse videos from my GoPro (mainly for the guy in the classic, since I followed him all day) Great run Corey, thanks for scheduling!
  8. Sounds good. I'll wait til after the holidays at this point. Thanks for the rec!
  9. Did you find any more interest in this? I'm happy to just take our cars over to No Limit, but if the group's going to get together some time, we're not in a hurry.
  10. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the rec, the reviews for No Limit are great. I definitely have 2 cars interested in some tinting work; would others be interested in setting up some sort of group deal?
  12. Hi all! My fiancée is looking at buying a used BRZ (unfortunately not a second a Mini...). We're new to the area though, so does anyone have any recommendations for a shop that'll do a solid pre-sale inspection? We're in southern Arlington, but willing to travel a bit if necessary. Thanks in advance!
  13. Hi all! New member here, and new to Virginia. I'm interesting in having my windows tinted a bit now that I'm here. Does anyone have a recommendation for a shop they've had good experience with? I'm in southern Arlington, but willing to drive a bit for good work.
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