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Everything posted by wyretrip
Just updating my RSVP, Corinne has to work tomorrow so it is just me. Just updating my RSVP, Corinne has to work tomorrow so it is just me.
Corinne and I will be there for the start in Leesburg but will break off after lunch in Martinsburg. Looking forward to it..found my radios from all the moving boxes!
Topic: DCMM Board Meeting Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/681650437 Meeting ID: 681 650 437 One tap mobile +19294362866,,681650437# US (New York) +13017158592,,681650437# US (Germantown) Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 681 650 437 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kMYIywiT
untilIt is time for the DC Metro MINIs Annual Meeting! For Paid Members Only! When: September 6th, 4pm - 6pm This year will be a little different given the current nature of the environment due to Covid-19. We have booked a covered outdoor venue to ensure we can observe proper social distancing and other CDC guidance surrounding gatherings. RSVPs will be critical as we will be providing individual catered meals instead of buffet or pot luck. Updates and Vote on Changes to Bylaws: Your attendance and vote as a paid member to DC Metro MINIs is especially important this year to help us adopt some updates to the club bylaws. The major changes are as follows: Reducing the board from 7 to 5 members Web master duties can be assigned to any office at the annual meeting. Added a two event responsibility to all board members. Responsibility for the event calendar is placed under the VP. Election of Board Members: There are 2 board member slots renewing this year. If you are interested in running for the board please either private message a board member, post it in the comments here or email Board@Dcmetrominis.org It's a great time for member feedback and for you to learn more about the inner workings of the club. We will present a membership report, financial reports, events reports and also conduct the vote!!! This event is for paid current members only! Location: Frying Pan Park - Large Shelter Parking is available near the shelter as indicated in the map below!
Event Title: DCMM Annual Meeting 2020 Event Date: 09/06/2020 04:00 PM to 09/06/2020 06:00 PM Event Address: 2739 West Ox Road, Herndon, Virginia, 20171, United States RSVP on the event here: DCMM Annual Meeting 2020 It is time for the DC Metro MINIs Annual Meeting! For Paid Members Only! When: September 6th, 4pm - 6pm This year will be a little different given the current nature of the environment due to Covid-19. We have booked a covered outdoor venue to ensure we can observe proper social distancing and other CDC guidance surrounding gatherings. RSVPs will be critical as we will be providing individual catered meals instead of buffet or pot luck. Updates and Vote on Changes to Bylaws: Your attendance and vote as a paid member to DC Metro MINIs is especially important this year to help us adopt some updates to the club bylaws. The major changes are as follows: Reducing the board from 7 to 5 members Web master duties can be assigned to any office at the annual meeting. Added a two event responsibility to all board members. Responsibility for the event calendar is placed under the VP. Election of Board Members: There are 2 board member slots renewing this year. If you are interested in running for the board please either private message a board member, post it in the comments here or email Board@Dcmetrominis.org It's a great time for member feedback and for you to learn more about the inner workings of the club. We will present a membership report, financial reports, events reports and also conduct the vote!!! This event is for paid current members only! Location: Frying Pan Park - Large Shelter Parking is available near the shelter as indicated in the map below! RSVP on the event here: DCMM Annual Meeting 2020
Devin Calef is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: DCMM Board Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/681650437 Meeting ID: 681 650 437 One tap mobile +19294362866,,681650437# US (New York) +13017158592,,681650437# US (Germantown) Dial by your location +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 681 650 437 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kMYIywiT
Meeting location and request for agenda items will take place closer to the meeting.
Event Title: DCMM August Board Meeting Event Date: 08/15/2020 02:00 PM Event Address: RSVP on the event here: DCMM August Board Meeting Meeting location and request for agenda items will take place closer to the meeting. RSVP on the event here: DCMM August Board Meeting
I want to go the whole route. I cannot think of a better opportunity to do so. I won't need to ship my car at the beginning or end. Just need to pad a day before and after. I feel sorry for west coast miniacs as well, but maybe that means in two years it will be an exclusively west coast route.
Any member can attend, but only board members can vote. Minutes will be posted in the "Don't Go Overboard" Member Forum. This meeting will be at Brandy and Corey's House. PM @Brandy_Brown or @1975_mini for the address.
Event Title: DCMM April Board Meeting Event Date: 04/19/2020 01:30 PM Event Address: RSVP on the event here: DCMM April Board Meeting Any member can attend, but only board members can vote. Minutes will be posted in the "Don't Go Overboard" Member Forum. This meeting will be at Brandy and Corey's House. PM @Brandy_Brown or @1975_mini for the address. RSVP on the event here: DCMM April Board Meeting
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Event Title: Post Holiday Party Event Date: 01/25/2020 06:00 PM to 01/25/2020 10:00 PM Event Address: 5386 Summit Drive , Fairfax, Virginia, 22030, United States RSVP on the event here: Post Holiday Party Where: Carl and Faith's house at 5386 Summit Drive Fairfax VA 22030. They are located on the Centerville side of the Fairfax County Parkway. Summit is the first street light after the parkway if you are coming from Fairfax on Lee Hwy RT29. When you turn off Lee Hwy on to Summit Drive in about 100 yards the road splits left and right. Go down the Right leg. The house is the third driveway on the left. You will not see the house. The second and third driveways are side by side. If you see new houses close to the street on the left you went too far. Special thanks to Carl and Faith for hosting! Parking: There is space for about 15 to 20 MINIS in the driveway. The overflow can park on the street. If you have it, bring a small flashlight due to some dark spots on the street. Food: As is our tradition, this will be a Pot Luck event. Please post what you will be bringing so we can ensure there's a wide variety. Beverages: We'll have a variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. If you prefer to partake of adult/intoxicating beverages, please BYOB and plan on having a DD. Gift Exchange: For those interested in participating, there will be a White Elephant gift exchange. (Limit gifts to no more than $25.00.) Questions? Volunteers to set up and/or clean up? Please PM or email anyone on the board. RSVP on the event here: Post Holiday Party
untilWhere: Carl and Faith's house at 5386 Summit Drive Fairfax VA 22030. They are located on the Centerville side of the Fairfax County Parkway. Summit is the first street light after the parkway if you are coming from Fairfax on Lee Hwy RT29. When you turn off Lee Hwy on to Summit Drive in about 100 yards the road splits left and right. Go down the Right leg. The house is the third driveway on the left. You will not see the house. The second and third driveways are side by side. If you see new houses close to the street on the left you went too far. Special thanks to Carl and Faith for hosting! Parking: There is space for about 15 to 20 MINIS in the driveway. The overflow can park on the street. If you have it, bring a small flashlight due to some dark spots on the street. Food: As is our tradition, this will be a Pot Luck event. Please post what you will be bringing so we can ensure there's a wide variety. Beverages: We'll have a variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. If you prefer to partake of adult/intoxicating beverages, please BYOB and plan on having a DD. Gift Exchange: For those interested in participating, there will be a White Elephant gift exchange. (Limit gifts to no more than $25.00.) Questions? Volunteers to set up and/or clean up? Please PM or email anyone on the board.
untilDCMM Board Meeting Any member can attend, but only board members can vote. Minutes will be posted in the "Don't Go Overboard" Member Forum. This will be a call in meeting. The call in information will be posted closer to the event. **UPDATE: Date shifted due to availability.**
Event Title: DCMM Board Meeting Event Date: 02/09/2020 01:30 PM to 02/02/2020 02:30 PM Event Address: RSVP on the event here: DCMM Board Meeting DCMM Board Meeting Any member can attend, but only board members can vote. Minutes will be posted in the "Don't Go Overboard" Member Forum. This will be a call in meeting. The call in information will be posted closer to the event. **UPDATE: Date shifted due to availability.** RSVP on the event here: DCMM Board Meeting
Good seeing everyone at the Goose Caboose!
I don't know who this Goose guy is, but happy hour sounds fun!
Me too, but I'm motivated to travel to participate this year. I'm gonna skip the dragon to make it happen.
From the album: Pumpkin, Pork, & Pastries II
From the album: Pumpkin, Pork, & Pastries II
From the album: Pumpkin, Pork, & Pastries II
From the album: Pumpkin, Pork, & Pastries II