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Pepper white

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Everything posted by Pepper white

  1. Can I do a different headlights without having problems if I can ...which ones are better for the 2010 thank you in advance
  2. Wrap beast quote 400 for the hood Exotic quote 275 for the hood and if you want the strip taken off 100 more
  3. Thank you I was actually trying to find someone to do it , thanks for the advice
  4. I want to do just the hood in black or the whole hood or a different strips in black Just something different but black
  5. Happy new year....have anyone wrap there hood before on there mini I am tired of the look want something different I would love to do .... Do anyone have any recomendation???
  6. Hello mini cooper lovers I have a 2010 mini cooper can someone point me in the right direction for a great car stereo what would be best ....thank you in advance
  7. I am in the baltimore area my engine is running hot where can I go and get it check out I don't know if I can make it to Gt
  8. Thank you
  9. Where can I get a mini bike rack for my car I want one that is on top of the roof I believe lol
  10. Hello I need help taking them off can u recommend someone
  11. Pepper white


    Hello can u take off strips to and if so how much???? I want mine off something different I know I need help
  12. I put to much oil in my car I went and got it drain it is smoking light when will it stop every time it is idle
  13. Wow u sure about that Will it leave a demarcation
  14. I want to know how to remove my stripes or I want something different stripes
  15. Is that the only one there Gt peace in chantilly westfax dr .
  16. Hello can someone point me in the right direction for a shop I was going to the shop or will gas station liberty in Virginia but they change owners and the prices have change I need some head gasket fix I am leaking antifreeze Ok
  17. Hello can someone explain??my car is saying my lights low beam fail or high fail but the lights are still on are they getting low do i need to change the bulbs ?????
  18. Is it to late to try and get my window tint today
  19. I am having a problem and the mini cooper dealer can't figure it out my mini keep going into ds from d anybody had that problem before please help it goes to ds on its own
  20. Thank u I am looking for some new stripes for my mini can someone tell me where to go that is not to expensive
  21. Hello new to the site trying to meet friends to know more about my Mini Cooper:wavey:
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