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About Dragonsmate

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Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
    Jessup, MD
  • Interests
    Sewing, machine embroidery, making crafts & purses, cooking


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Spice Orange
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
  1. Yay, great news! It was fun for us MINI owners and we got the chance to give back to those who've done so much for us and our country. My thanks to all who put so much effort into making this an enjoyable and profitable charity event. I look forward to next year's Beltway run.
  2. I had a wonderful time and want to thank the organizers for all their hard work. :top: The food was good, weather cooperated in a lovely way, fellow MINIacs were out in force, it seems we raised a lot of money for a GREAT cause, and the "idiot Beltway drivers" didn't cause any accidents. What more can one ask? I was glad to see some of my friends and quite a few of those to whom I sold raffle tickets win some swag. I whined a bit in good fun but don't mind not being one of today's swag winners; I'm already a winner because I hang with two great groups of folks - C3M and DCMM. Look forward to more runs and next year's trip around the Beltway. And finally, my thanks to all the Vets for their service and all they've done/given up for the rest of us. Hat off and hand on heart to you!! :congrats: "Thank you" just doesn't seem adequate but it's what I have to offer. Lawry
  3. Yep, way cool. Let us know how it works out - I might get one too! :top:
  4. And don't use too much polish/product!! :laugh: Good to meet people and put faces with the car names/avatars. :wavey: Yes, Darryl is a sweetheart and extremely knowlegeable... he and Adam's products make it much easier! I was terribly late (deer attacked son's car last night while he drove on a 95 exit ramp at 55mph - lost hours of sleep getting him settled/de-glassed), but I still learned a bunch. Thanks Darryl and thanks Ali for setting this up.
  5. Done through PM - enjoy!
  6. I have the same wheels in black w/silver rim. Great choice!
  7. As a member of the Spice Orange Owners' Club, I second that proposal! :rock:
  8. Hi Lona, I'd be happy to help with registration or raffle sales - just let me know when/where. As for experience, I can read/write/speak English and will accept a bottle of water as payment. :laugh:
  9. This is my first DCMM Beltway run so, I don't have a flag in my car window. Should I bring the big one from the front of the house? :elephant: Seriously, how much to get the window flag? Thanks!
  10. BTW, what's Friday night parking like in that area? Last time I was anywhere near Alexandria on a weekend night, it was a real crush. Should I take Metro or drive in?
  11. Well Pooh!! The bill didn't pass in the legislature, so no change is forthcoming. Maryland drivers will still need 2 tags (front & back). Sorry to get your hopes up. :banghead:
  12. I'll be on a C3M run in Ocean City this Friday/Saturday but might be able to make the movie thing on the 27th. Thanks for the info, TGGRRR! I'll keep an eye on the calendar.
  13. Thanks Bert! I might be at the detailing clinic-part deaux next month.
  14. As of October 1, the law is changing in MARYLAND. I copied this text from a post on C3M for those who don't already know. House Bill 577 states that effective 10-1-2013 any car mfg. without means to display front plate will not be required to do such. The front plate will be needed to be kept inside the car but not displayed. Now if your car has the tag backing plate already on it you might be sol. So, when you buy a NEW MINI or one from another state that didn't require a front plate (no backing plate currently installed), just tell the Dealer NOT to drill for it and don't install one yourself. Probably a good idea to carry a copy of the legislation with for the cops (and dealers) who didn't get the message, so I'm adding a link to the Bill for anyone who wants to carry with (along with that useless front tag) http://static.openstates.org/documents/md/MDD00043637 YAY!!! :congrats:
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