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About tampadave

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

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  • Title
    First Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S Roadster w/JCW Kit
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Pepper White
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
    John Bull
  1. I enjoyed meeting several DCMM members Saturday at the MINI of Sterling "Meet & Greet". No two people were alike, yet everyone was very nice, certainly interesting, and quite welcoming to the new guy on the block. What a friendly group! Sorry I didn't go to the "Lost Rhino", but my youngest daughter asked me to watch Ohio State (her alma mater) take on Illinois at "Glory Days". You know how that goes... I look forward to future DCMM events and seeing many of you again. Dave
  2. Decent espresso machine and the price is certainly right! I certainly hope we have a respectable turnout Saturday. Looking forward to meeting many DCMM members and visitors. :top:
  3. We're selling our house this Spring and moving to Florida. I'm thoroughly intrigued by the Dragon though, so we'll see. Sounds amazing!
  4. Ghostbusters theme? MINI owners are definitely "not normal". And that's awesome for a conservative guy like me - I think it's great to associate with people with a flair for life. Nobody in my circle of friends would employ a Ghostbusters theme on their vehicle, paint their wheels neon, or display helipads and British flags on their roof.
  5. I'm slowly becoming a MINIac myself. Until my purchase, I had no idea what the MINI culture was all about. I frequent this site, NAM, and Motoring Alliance and, as each day passes, I become more enmeshed in the MINI world. And nobody cares about age, gender, race, occupation, or other personal attributes - the MINI connection trumps all. I like it. :top:
  6. Thank you! I'm new to MINI so this will be my first event. It will be interesting to meet the people behind the MINI's.
  7. Thanks for the overhead shot. I'll head to the back. Look for the confused new guy in the PW Roadster. :top:
  8. I'll probably get there close to 9:30 AM. I will definitely look for your Coupe. I'm driving a Pepper White '14 Roadster S with the JCW exterior package. Not too many like mine, so you should spot me fairly easily.
  9. By the car wash tent or the side lot where employees park?
  10. Since MINI of Sterling is open for business on Saturday, where does everyone park for the Meet & Greet? What happens at a M&G? I've never been to any MINI event. Forgive my ignorance...
  11. No drilling into the door required?
  12. Mind you, my daughters are Ohio State and Alabama graduates. The Buckeyes play Illinois at noon, so I'll have to get to a TV by kickoff (someone mentioned "Lost Rhino"). My Roadster John Bull just hit the 300 mile mark - perfect excuse to fire up the MINI's turbo. Go Buckeyes! Roll Tide! MINI "Not Normal"!
  13. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to put some serious thought and research into the matter. If my wife objects to the timing, however...
  14. I'll have to look into MOTD. My '14 Roadster S might have a little fun and his driver may be vastly entertained. I'll have to check the timing - we are selling our house so we can move to Belleair, Florida around June. Sounds like a great time from all I've read of MOTD.
  15. Great-looking MINI! Looks like a Metro parking garage to me (such a bucolic setting for photos ).
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