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About OhBe1

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

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  • Title
    First Gear

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  • Location
    Edgewater, MD
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  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Chili Red
  • My MINIs Roof Color
    Body Color
  • My MINIs Name
  1. Last call!
  2. Great all-seasons, still available!
  3. There's a genuine MINI upgrade kit available, IIRC about $800.
  4. 16x7.5 K4R with centering rings and TPMS with 205/55/16 Continental DWS. Approx 10000 miles. Were on my '12 MCS, so TPMS should be good for IIRC '11-'14. The pair that were on front are showing some wear on the "S", so may be good for only one more winter. Other two, less wear. $800 OBO
  5. Happens to everybody. My current '97 Miata's oil pump went at 38000, well past warranty time-wise. Replacement at dealer would have cost only slightly less than local Miata mech installing new crate engine. I went with the latter, along with a light flywheel. And a real oil pressure gauge. '06 Outback had leaky rear diff at only 1500 miles, dealer replaced diff under warranty. '03 Tacoma, throwout bearing at 49800, just inside extended warranty. The first '97 Miata had thrust bearing failure at 100000. Yeah, 100k, but just shows that there is no such thing as a bulletproof car.
  6. '12 Cooper S, 17000 miles, dipstick always reads high.
  7. http://www.adlerandmandel.com They're in Rockville. Never had them do upholstery, but the two sunroofs were done perfectly.
  8. A couple hundred for a flash?
  9. Probably. Overlaps a Miata drive I led a long time ago.
  10. 30-ish minutes for Galesville, another 10 for Deale. There may be another possibility downtown, I need to check it out.
  11. You're probably thinking of a place like Cantler's, a short somewhat scenic drive, but with parking issues (best approached by boat). Downtown, Phillip's offers perhaps the only water view, of the many restaurants. Going south, there is Yellowfin on Rt. 2 with great water view, or Mike's on Riva Rd. If you're thinking of driving a bit more, Pirate's Cove in Galesville, or our usual place, Skipper's Pier in Deale. The latter two offer the best chance of a group shot in the parking lot. Cantler's and Philip's are probably the priciest. FWIW, best crab cakes are at the Edgewater Restaurant on Mayo Rd, with zero view and zero ambiance; takeout is recommended, with a a seasonal water view from our house.
  12. I personally think Naptown may have the highest pub/capita in the East.
  13. Not odd at all...
  14. Link? I saw a complete kit for over $400, not sure it was PnP with the CAN bus. Plus, the tattoo tool items made me think that quality automotive lighting wasn't exactly their forte...
  15. Which shocks?
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