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Posts posted by TheMichael

  1. Well, geez. I've heard that they do work from folks who have them. Oh, well. So much 4 my tip o' the day ... :frown:


    that's why I call them cow whistles... I'm pretty sure no one has hit a cow when they have them, either. :). it's really hard to prove a negative.


    Sonja gets dropped off for repairs tomorrow.... I'm kind of nervous about it.....

  2. I'm ok, but thank you for asking. I tend to drive somewhat slowly in the mornings anyway because of just this thing, but sometimes you just can't win.


    I'm mostly annoyed because if I'd hit the deer, I wouldn't be at fault, but since I didn't, I am.


    Not even 4k on Sonja, yet... grumblegrumblegrumble.

  3. Apparently, deer love Sonja just as much as I do.... driving to work yesterday and one decided to come take a closer look. Braking and swerving to miss this beast, Sonja went off the road and hit a tree.


    I am not happy right now.


    After talking with insurance, I'd have been better off if I just went and hit the foul creature...

  4. I'm sorry that I didn't give you my extra radio, I thought about it when we turned onto Jerusalem Rd. It does help with the run and you get much more information during the run (on coming cars, bicyclists, debris, etc.). Search the board, there are a few threads that discuss the different brands and options. You don't have to pay to much for a decent set.


    Oh, and next time can you tell your neighbors to keep the combine-harvester and tractor off the road until we have passed? Just our luck! :banghead:


    Oh, no worries about the radio... since I had to pull out before the park anyway, it was probably for the best.


    We were lucky the combine turned off when it did... it would have been much worse if it hadn't!

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