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About CapsFanVA

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    First Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
    Sterling, VA
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Unix SA


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S Convertible
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Cool Blue
  • My MINIs Roof Color
    Black Cloth
  • My MINIs Name
  1. I've been sick and have only driven my mini maybe 10 miles since I had the new stereo put in. Now the air bag system failure light won't go out. I did have to have new steering wheel controls put in and since I didn't do it does anyone know if you have to disconnect the air bag system? Also now when I put my car in reverse I get his loud annoying 3 second beep (not the same sound from the backup sensors).
  2. Sounds like fun, I'm always happy to get my camera out and shoot things.
  3. So I bought the FES R52 Top Commander. I hooked everything up, saw the 3 light on the board light up and go out. All should be good to go...right? So I find that I can not open the top or the sunroof on the single tap. I can have the top come up on it's own no problem. Also sometimes opening the top can take a couple of taps or holding the button a few times. Anyone experience similar issues?
  4. I noticed that the seam is starting to come undone on my seats. Is anyone aware of a local place that may be able to repair where the stitching is coming undone?
  5. I'm down for it!
  6. Since we seem to have a lot of photographers on here, I would like to welcome you all to join a meetup group I am a co-organizer of. It's called unexpected treasures. (http://www.unexpectedtreasures.com). We do various types of photography, and have monthly meetings/workshopts. This saturday I am hosting/leading an open photography trip at the MD RenFaire. I have done sunrise trips in Annapolis and have led a group up to PA to the wolf sanctuary. I specialize mostly in studio photography but I have just as much fun outside of it as well. My work is at http://www.robertkruckphoto.com Come check us out.
  7. Spoke with someone at http://www.minimania.com and they said that the rear seat roll bars remain. http://new.minimania.com/part/NMI6010/REAR-SEAT-DELETE-KIT---R50-52-53-COOPER--S-HRDTP--CNVRTBLE Also there is a bug for the 2007 & 2008 R52 in their "will it fit" where it states it won't fit but it actually does. That was confirmed as well. Looks like I am placing my order next week once I move into my new place
  8. Funny you mention the roadster. I was so excited to see one up close at the picnic that I almost bought one this week. Then I got reminded of how much the car payment would be on an impulse buy LOL.
  9. Thanks for the info. Now I know where to start putting my disposable income lol. Here is what I was looking at for the rear seat delete: http://moss-prod-01.sysiq.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/MossMotors-US-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewProductDetail-Start?ProductSKU=102-340-m&CatalogCategoryName=&sitebranding=new-mini&CategoryPath=All+Products%2F%2F%2F%2FUserSearch%3Dcat_results%2F%2F%2F%2FNew+MINI%2F%2F%2F%2FMINI+Interior%2F%2F%2F%2FAccessories Not sure if there is anything better or different or if they are all pretty much the same.
  10. I have a 2007 S Cabrio and not sure where I should start in getting the best performance out of it. I've seen people talk about 15% reduction pulleys for the super charger, but what else has people done to their mini's? These are not performance related, but I did just buy the FES Top Commander and the auto up v7 module. I'm also going to do the rear seat delete once I find one for my model. Does anyone have experience in taking out the rear set in a cabrio? How much of a pain is it? Thanks
  11. Count me in, just let me know the time. It was great meeting everyone Saturday at the picnic.
  12. Awesome, thanks for the info.
  13. Does anyone recommend a specific brand and place that can install one? I'm looking to do this as well as another friend who owns an 05 S Convertible. Thanks
  14. Has anyone had experience...good or bad with service from this dealership. I took my mini in for an oil change and state inspection and now need about $2500 in repairs. Work ranges from rear break pads that are hitting the sensors to oil and other seals that are cracked and leaking. There are a few other things but a lot of it should be covered under the warranty that I purchased when I bought my mini used last August. Hoping they are not the type of place to screw you over too badly.
  15. As of right now I should be able to make this. Only thing stopping me is if I get stuck being primary on-call that weekend.
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