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Everything posted by OXSpeed

  1. Hi. I'm not sure of the name but was talking to John at Speed Design about MINI artwork for a customer and he said someone on DCMM already had templates. We are interested. If I'm in the right place can someone please contact me? Thanks, Rick
  2. The process is the same for all warranty repairs. After a problem is verified it's checked to see if its on list that requires puma autorazation. things like engine's turbo's DME's anyting expensive for the most part is on the list. If it is on the list (IE anything you would brake with the added stress of the access port) Puma will review the case and decied weather or not to approve. typically they will just approve the repair, but if the issue doesn't add up IE 30k, all regular, maintainence, no clogged oil lines, they might dig further. This is where you might find some trouble. what's important to understand that while it is possible to dig and find the amount of flashing thats been done to the ROM. what's more important is that when a fault is stored such as one that would be when the car or component went ka blowie a snap shot is taken. 02 reading maf hertz IAT oil temp.... and boost pressure. when they see that your at 18lbs they are going to know someting is up. where does this leave you?..... I have no idea to be honest, I have never seen it go that far. hope this helps. P.S.I don't want to scare you the dealership is truly on your side on this one. they want the process to go smoothly get you in and get you out. the last thing they want to do is bother their district rep with good will or fight a puma battle. not to mention there are plenty of people with the AP that are problem free myself included
  3. You should check out the Sema action network, should be right up your alley. They are our legal defense team against legislatures and dealerships that want to take advantage of unkowning customers. Whats important to understand is that an intake and an exhaust cannot damage your MINI as long as they are installed properly, and with appropriate filter material. This is a great way to start. Beyond that an Access port is a great way to squeeze extra horsepower out of your ride. They AP comes with tunes already loaded so your good to go from day one, however we offer tuning services remote and on site. Hope this helps
  4. yup. dinasour bones are dirty when they burn. unfortunately your only option is to clean them. BTW we haven't forgotten about your tuning question were putting something together for you
  5. What he said. best thing you can do beside change your oil more often then recommended
  6. Thanks for the kind words guys it was a pleasure to work with you. It still blows my mind how much a difference the Diff makes.
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