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Everything posted by LaurenMini

  1. Who is doing the shirts so we have an idea of what the v-neck or sweatshirts will look like?
  2. I don't know if that's a Countryman. It seems to only have one set of doors. Plus, I thought the front grill dipped down on the sides. However, when I went to verify that, I see CMs with no dip. :hmmmm2:
  3. Welcome Nutty and family. I'm a fellow Countryman owner, with a Mickey antenna topper and some GoBadges! Mickey has a lot of bells and whistles from the manufacturer, and I don't think he'll be getting anything else done. Just not a modify your car person. But I am a personalize your car person! Mickey can't wait to meet a fellow All4!
  4. FYI- it said something about parking being $6 flat rate from 6 pm on.
  5. I'm bummed, I made the suggestion and started looking at menus in the National Harbor. However, I'll be out of town that day. :banghead:
  6. Before there's any confusion, it wasn't me. I have purple lights and a blue countryman, but wasn't in old town and I don't wear hats.
  7. I would! :wavey:
  8. Not me. I don't do highways too much. Plus, I'd never let someone else drive Mickey! Except for my sister!
  9. Sent my payment this evening. I noted what T-shirt size in the message. Is that good?
  10. That car belongs to Sealy. I don't know if he is a member of DCMM. I've seen him on NAM. He lives in Cottage City, MD.
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