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Everything posted by denemy

  1. I bought my 06 Cooper S in 2008 and in the first few months I went on a DCMM rally from Wegmans through Loudoun stopping for lunch at Griffin Tavern. I bought my mini just a few months prior and had never owned one before that. I knew how to drive a stick but I didnt know how to drive a Mini. My two boys and I joined the rally at Gilberts Corner. My youngest was ~4 years old. I hopped in line and just followed the driver in front of me. If they took the turn at 40 I took the turn at 40. It was to this day the most fun I've ever had driving my Mini, I live in Loudoun and drive those same roads frequently and I know how to do that thanks to DCMM. Cinnamini is old now with 160K miles, new tranny, new front end but she's been driven hard. She's closer to the end than the beginning. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank DCMM for the introduction to my Mini. Thank you to those on that rally and all the intervening rallys since. Thanks again Denemy
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  2. Looking at a 2008 Sidewalk. Any red flags that anyone knows? Going from a supercharger to a turbocharger - Interested to feel the difference. Thanks all -- Be Well
  3. Thank you all for the warm welcome and great time. I concur that was the hardest I've ever driven mine too. Got a feeling that record wont last too long though now that I know what its capable of. :rock:
  4. Thanks for all the responses. I've been shifting at 3K and no more than 4250. Methinks I can stomp it a bit more. I think I'll give the non-runflats a try the next set of tires. I have AAA and live out in VA far away from any neighborhood that might scare me. The 93 octane answers bum me out a bit. The service manager at MofS said no you dont need 93. He said the best results he's heard is from 89. The most important thing is to put *good* gas in ie detergent gasoline. Another owner told me her mechanic said just put gas from toptierfuels.com in your car and you'll be fine. I've only put four tankfuls and each has been Shell 89. I'm going to try Sunoco premium for the next 4 tankfuls. I'm keeping a spreadsheet re gas mileage and notes re how it runs. One thing I've noticed is that when the engine is revving down it has small backfires but its been doing that since I bought it and truthfully it sounds kind of tough so I like it. I've never had a car that required premium gas. Don't most gas stations top out at 91? What stations carry 93? I'll have to look into the %15 pulley. That sounds fun. I'm getting the windows tinted this week --- Limo dark -- Damm the fuzz and any tix they want to give me! I was all set to meet you all at Wegmans this Saturday but I now may be attending a funeral instead. The local school principal passed from cancer. She was diagnosed over the summer and passed on Sunday. Get yer colons checked ladies and gents. Thanks again for the warm welcomes and all the responses :congrats:
  5. Hi All, I bought a 2006 Cooper S convertible from Mini of Sterling. So far I love it. I'm sorry I logged on here after the 3/16 meet and greet at Mini of Sterling. What rpms do you shift at? Is there a noticeable diff in ride comfort if I switch to non runflats? Do you put 93 octane in your Mini? Where is the best site you've found for mini mods? I'm not too mechanical but I'd like to differentiate the outside a bit. Re the pulleys is anyone at the 19% pulley? Is it really that big a difference? Pulley vs No Pulley and/or 15% pulley vs 19% pulley? What is my Mini? R53, R56, R5x? Thanks all -- I wave to all Minis but alas they dont all wave back but when they do I'll assume they are one of the cool people on this site. Be Well :motor:
  6. I will buy for $100. Let me know if you still have em. Thanks
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