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Everything posted by gtrnka

  1. :top:Thanks....I've got a dremel too....last resort....LOL
  2. I tried WD-40 and then PB Blast....niether worked while they were mounted on the car. I ended up removing the grill with the driving lights at the same time :banghead:(so much for putting the old grill on eBay...LOL). I can now soak them and try and get them off....then remount the brackets and driving lights with the new grill.
  3. Main problem is rusted bolts holding the driving lights in place. Any suggestions to get them free?
  4. I am trying to replace my front grill with a JCW style grill. I have to remove the factory installed driving lights in order to remove the old grill. I know that I have to drill out the rivets holding the mounts...but my main problem is getting the driving lights off the mounts and removing the wiring. My goal is to put the driving lights back on after I install the new grill. Any advice would be GREAT!!! :banghead: All of my attemps have been for nothing :banghead:
  5. We could use the multi level parking garage where I work...it should be empty on the weekend....just down the way from PMoA....do a remake of the Italian Job...
  6. ME... ME... ME... ME... ME... ME... MEEEEE Me... Me... Me... Me... Me... Me... Meeeee me... me... me... me... me... me... meeeee
  7. Its only 30 miles from my house.... That just means I get to drive!!!! :-D
  8. No that is great information!! So is it green in color? LOL...BTW...I'm color blind...
  9. I basically learned to drive a standard when I test drove my first new car. I knew the "basics" but when I got in the car to test drive it I told the salesman "aaaaa it may take me a few tries to get this going"...the look on his face was classic! I am sure they were glad I picked up that car the next day. I figured out the e-break thing when I stopped at a light on a hill and a trash truck stopped right on my tail lights....LOL
  10. Okay....I have to ask....what is seafoam?
  11. gtrnka

    May 2010

    From the album: 2003 R53 Cooper S

  12. gtrnka

    Feb 2010

    From the album: 2003 R53 Cooper S

  13. gtrnka

    Feb 2010

    From the album: 2003 R53 Cooper S

  14. This is my "Next Generation Trnka Toy"...the first generation was a 1989 Porsche 944 but that is long gone. This is a 2003 R53 Cooper S that I got January 2010. I have added a few chrome accents and will replace the grill with a chrome JCW style grill from MossMini very soon. That will be all that I do on the outside. Looking forward to doing some performance mods on the inside.
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