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Everything posted by TGGRRR (Ali)

  1. I wish I could have made it
  2. We're leaving Alexandria at 5:00, wii see you by 7
  3. Usually the board goes kind of dead during MOTD
  4. Now you're just trying to get me in trouble :embarassed:
  5. Wax your MINI because the bugs are brutal and they won't stick as much to a well waxed car. Pack camp chairs they're useful for parties If you're in a cabin for the first time they rarely have enough pots and pans Bring detailing products
  6. Mark is going to give me more space in Max, I can do this!
  7. That's my little pet name for Mark, oops :embarassed:
  8. Yassssssssss
  9. Exactly, I'm a second owner and had no issues with the last recall
  10. I have so much crap to pack with the vendor thing. I don't know where I'm going to sit!!!! Been negotiating with Mark for space in Max I did get someone to bring up my fog machine for me or smoky the fog machine would have had to miss the trip. Is everyone else good with packing the cars? I know you Countryman people are probably not even stressing about it.
  11. Normally I would be all kinds of jealous but the Dragon is my happiest place so you have fun!!! The Dragon where everyone body waves and you sleep with permagrin :wavey: :motor:
  12. The Pigeon Forge run is just a destination to lunch. You can head back any time after lunch. Just get out of there by 3:00
  13. FOUR more days for us Sunday people!!!!! :party: :motor: :motor: :motor: :motor: :motor:
  14. I'll be sure to pick up a GC for them. They're wonderful people, love them both
  15. Every year the weather looks like this and it's never as bad as it looks http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/robbinsville-nc/28771/daily-weather-forecast/334849?day=6 If you haven't been before it probably will rain a little every day, usually early morning and sometimes for an hour in the afternoon. The afternoon rain is a great time to go visit vendor row and visit me The temps always seem to get hotter than the predictions too
  16. weather on Sunday looks nice, cloudy in the 60's. Looks good all the way down too. I remember a few years back when Mark and I drove in a torrential downpour both ways. It was so miserable, happy to see a decent prediction
  17. So nice to be understood :tee:
  18. Except I've never been on any to get off of
  19. What? Doesn't everyone do that?
  20. I talk to my clothing and play the game "Who's going to win a trip to the Dragon"
  21. Mark usually says "Hush Woman!" and then I know I'm in trouble :embarassed:
  22. Thanks! I'll update my notes and we'll see you at 7:00 AM on Sunday!!!!! :motor::motor:
  23. :ridinghorse::dragon::dragon::dancing2::dancing2::cheers::cheers::dancing::dancing::elephant::elephant::party::party::party::love::love::marshmellow::marshmellow: :dragon::dragon::dragon: :motor::motor::motor::motor::motor::motor::motor::motor:
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