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Everything posted by Revwillie

  1. Revwillie

    Parcel Shelf

  2. Revwillie

    for sale

    From the album: Parcel Shelf

  3. Revwillie

    for sale

    From the album: Parcel Shelf

  4. thanks for the offer, but I should be able to figure something out by next August. I'm kind of digging the idea of the ones that say "4X4" on them
  5. Passport let me slide on the disabled=ornamental clause. I had to go somewhere else on Friday after 4pm when Passport's inspector wraps up for the week. Shopping for covers...
  6. thanks for the advice. The lights I have didn't come with covers. I mostly followed Blimey's guide here: NAM link although my wiring is more similar to what a guy from Ontario did for some PIAA lights. (should have checked the VA laws first) Honestly, mine are mostly 'ornamental' anyways. It's the angel-eyes effect I was going for. I even replaced the white LEDs with brighter ones I found on ebay. I'm looking for plastic covers that can fit and give the appearance of 'installed as original equipment'. I might have seen decorative elastic covers once that could stretch to fit. too much? 4X4 covers!
  7. Did VA laws change recently with regard to auxilliary or driving lamps? What I knew from 2009 was that you can't have more than four forward pointing white lights with the ability to illuminate at the same time. So, since the xenon bulbs stay on when you turn on the halogen hi beams, any other lights have to be off. I never figured out how to rewire my rally lights to shut off when the hi beams come on. I disabled my rally lights to get around that so they are technically 'ornamental'. Today, I was told that driving lights cannot be disabled. If they are on the car, they have to be working. Also, the above rule applies. When I asked how I passed for the past two years but not this year, the inspector said the laws change all the time. On one hand, I totally understand laws that prevent big trucks with multiple rows of offroading lights from blinding other drivers. On the other hand, these are mini coopers. Minis and rally lights go together like [unending list of things that go together]. IMO, either the xenon bulbs should shut down when the halogen hi beams come on, or the the law should specify how many lights are allowed to point high vs. point low so that you can say the xenon bulbs don't count toward the total of four allowed. Sorry for the rant, but I'm curious to hear if any other VA residents have run into this.
  8. I got my parrot kit with MFSW harness from here: http://www.newministuff.com/new/shop.php?action=products&cat=10
  9. crap. I'll be out of town.
  10. Revwillie

    Passport Mini Preview

    July 26, 2009 Pictures taken with HTC camera app on Tmobile G1
  11. Revwillie

    Revwillie Pics

    Please do not distribute. I did not obscure my plates.
  12. Revwillie


    From the album: Revwillie Pics

  13. the wheels are now in a new home.
  14. bumping up for new terms.
  15. Yes, thanks Edge. they are 17s. I'm sorry, I don't visit the dcmm forums as often as I should. Please send offers by PM or email revwillie at gmail dot com.
  16. UPDATE: my wife has decided that she's ready to clean out the garage tomorrow. I won't get into who's crap is who's and who should be throwing stuff away...we're looking forward now folks, not back! So, anyone willing to pick these up from my house tomorrow can have 'em for free. Well, any mini-related swag or malt beverage offers will not be turned away of course. The point is, they gotta go. If you PM me, I'll send you a google maps link to my house. pics show curb rash degree and amount of tire wear. note that the center caps that are pictured are no longer in the wheels. http://www.flickr.com/photos/22536025@N02/
  17. I don't want to buy an HDTV yet, but our old Panasonic CRT TV has to be hit periodically when the picture blinks out. If you are getting a shiny new HDTV and need to find a home for a working TV that is less than 31 inches wide, I'd be willing to pay you for it and pick it up in the NoVA area.
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