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Everything posted by Maxicooper

  1. Some may look like this ...... :top:
  2. Sunday forecast ..... Partly Cloudy High 85°F Precip 10% Perfect for motoring, pickin' cherry & crack pie !!!! See the teaser from last year's route ........
  3. Tara Thai is cool !!! We plan to be at the one in Rockville in April.
  4. 1:33.630........Wow, that was awesome !!! :rock: I will have to work hard this coming weekend.
  5. Stay tuned for "MINI @ Top Gear", time attack party. Coming soon.
  6. :top::top::top:
  7. On top on the list, as of 1/11/11: Stefano: 1:33.810
  8. Front grill is from the earlier year, I'd guess.
  9. Good time indeed !!!! :top: MINI Power Laps on Top Gear Test Track
  10. If you already have Gran Turismo 5. Lets have some fun. -Acquire a stock '05 MCS from the GT5 dealerships. The only modification that's allowed is aftermarket wheels. -Goto practice / World Circuits / Top Gear Test Track / A-Spec Free Run. -Tires = Comfort:Soft or lower / other options, within the driver options page, no restriction. -Move the car to starting point, "The Line" (right after the second turn, "completely stop" right in front of the starting line (exactly like te picture above),then take a deep breath and GO !!! Timer will start to count immediately after your MINI cross "the line". -Finish the lap and mark your time. Have fun !!!
  11. New addition
  12. If you don't mind driving up here, I have a small garage (and Gran Turismo5 plus hot chocolate).
  13. It's rock solid !!! :top:
  14. Best wishes to all. Happy New Year !!!
  15. A cup holder is the first priority.
  16. Thanks to my brother. He saw my homemade station, and he decided to send us the set as a Christmas present. Ended up my kids have spent more time on the driver seats than me.
  17. Motoring station is completed !!!
  18. More fun pictures from GT5.
  19. I'd suggest you keep it. You might need it when you travel "light".
  20. Not anymore. In GT5, at level 20 and above, if you hit something it will show damage to the structure of the cars. And with new update (coming soon), it will damage machanically as well. The cars will lose there performance accordingly how much damage it will be. :top:
  21. Made in Germany and Austria and they will ship to US, @ 9,000 Euro.
  22. 40" Sony 1080i is on sales right now, which should match perfectly for the game. Btw, other than the lack of G-force, it is really close to the real driving. You will enjoy it. :top: Yes, there is '07 R56 in there, addition to '05 R53 and the classic.
  23. Here is my poor man set up. From folding coffee table and IKEA chair, after some modification, it's mutated to my racing seat.
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