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Everything posted by GreenCactus

  1. I can lead an HSB in July.
  2. Oh no! We will be at the NASCAR race this weekend.
  3. D&V in Sterling does great work.
  4. One of my very good friends is hiking the AT this year. He is scheduled to spend two nights at Fontana during MOTD. He will likely be there Mon-Wed and is staying in the lodge. Some of you have met him, his name is Chuck. Here’s a link to his blog: http://www.trailjournals.com/CstumpAT2024/
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  5. Thanks @Widdie! That was a great route today. I can’t wait to try it in the summer.
  6. I’m out for this one. That’s just too far.
  7. That happened to Michael's 2012 roadster a couple of years ago. The window could not be reattached. We took her to our local body shop, who recommended we call our insurance company. The replacement top was completely covered!
  8. We will be out of town. Not MOTD.
  9. I wouldn't participate in the school, but I'd be happy to come out to help!
  10. I'm not going to make it tonight. It's been a long day and I just want to go home.
  11. Yes, the window completely separated from the top. He filed a claim with our insurance and they covered the entire thing. The window cannot be repaired, so the entire top had to be replaced. We used Poolesville Auto Body. They do really good work but they're in Poolesville.
  12. I'm a maybe. It depends on traffic, I'm not really up for sitting in traffic for 2 hours. I hope it works out because this is a great spot!
  13. Michael and I will miss this one. We will be at the NASCAR race at Pocono.
  14. Check their website. It's a pretty hefty fee to participate. I drove it in it ages ago for work (I was driving a pickup, not a MINI) and it was a ton of fun, but also complete chaos.
  15. I still have these and would like them gone. Updated price: FREE!!
  16. Depends on where and when.
  17. We will meet you at Point of Rocks.
  18. I’m in for one!
  19. Michael and I are registered for 10am at MINI of Montgomery County.
  20. I went yesterday and it was pretty crazy. Lots of great cars and it seemed like most people behaved.
  21. This event is back! The Potomac Cars and Coffee got shut down due to people doing dumb things, so that event is now combining with the Poolesville Cars and Coffee. The first one is this Sunday, May 9 at 19701 Fisher Avenue, Poolesville, MD 20837 from 9-11am. Here is the updated link: https://fb.me/e/26eSjiWW5 I'm planning on being there if the weather is decent. *Please note: Whites Ferry is still closed, so you'll either need to come up River Road or through Point of Rocks.
  22. Michael uses a Battery Tender on Sonja.
  23. R56 Service Manual Free to good home. I will NOT ship. Pick up in Poolesville or Tysons.
  24. I have the OEM ones on my F56 and on Michael's Roadster. Mine came with them and he installed his own, with the OEM kit. I LOVE them! I drive rural roads at night and I really don't know how I would see without them.
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