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09 MCS baseline dyno results

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All runs were done in 4th gear with a cooldown period between each pull. 1st two runs normal mode 3rd run in sport mode. 93 octane fuel. Everything is bone stock except for the addition of a k@n filter kit.




I suspect they richen it up to keep it alive. Lean it out it will get hot. Interstring as it does not quite follow the baseline curve I saw on a tuners site. The other curve I saw the power came on earlier, but was even flatter going up. Topped at about 150. Seems to drive kind of like that. Computers sure have changed the way turbo's used to work. Those big-fat torque readings are what makes it so much fun.


By the K&N, you just mean the element? Not a new airbox or any tubes?

Its got a nice fat air/fuel curve. Maybe I could lean it out a bit for some more power. :biggrin:


Um...it looks really, really lean for a turbo car. It's at 14.7 until almost 5000 rpm! Amazing. Not that it's dangerous, but I don't think there's any room for leaning it out until the very top of the RPM range. Even then, who knows how much margin for error is left.


Interstring as it does not quite follow the baseline curve I saw on a tuners site.
Remember that different dynos will read different amounts of power. Here's our car, stock, on the same type of dyno:




Looks very similar to me. (Note that the scaling is slightly different.)



Mach V


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