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MINIs on the Dock of the Bay... and More

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Steve Langenfeld, an assistant organizer for C3M, has arranged this run. We'd like to invite DCMM along to share the fun.:wavey:


You want Planes? You've got it!

How about Boats? Sure why not!

Is there Food? Heck Yeah!

What about Minis? But of



All. Here is the food to be shared so far:

Fried Chicken


Something from Yia Yia's bakery

Chilled goat cheese crostini's

Small chicken curry sandwiches

Double chocolate chunk cookies



Looking better and better :top: only small change of T-storms and in the afternoon.



PM T-Storms


High 82°F


Precip 40%




Total, we're looking at 16 MINIs at


A message from Steve, the organizer for the run:


Good Afternoon All,

Tomorrow's the big day for the BWI to Annapolis to Quiet Waters Park. Weather looks good:

High: 86 °F RealFeel®: 87 °F partly sunny and less humid.


Just a few notes to point o



We had a great day today!

Steve took us on some nice, windy roads and then into Annapolis where we spent some time exploring the area. Afterwards, we had some delicious food at Quiet Waters Park. Steve surprised us with door prizes and we had a quiz to



We had a blast. :rock:


Surprisingly good weather, good food, door prizes, location and a fun quiz, and most of all, great fun time with MINI friends. What a great day !!!. :top:


Big thanks to Steve from C3M who organized the event. Great job indeed.


+2 What a great fun filled day! :rock: Thanks to everyone that helped make it a success. Nice mix of driving, sightseeing and a picnic. We are knocked out! :sleep:



Here ! Here ! That's a +3 :top: to Steve for organizing , and a :congrats:for all those that took part ! It was fun being with all of you ! Next time I REALLY need to study for Marina's pop quizzes !



YES!! That was sooo much FUN! :rock: I didn't want the day to end. It was planned so perfectly. Great job, Steve and Erin! :top: Also, thanks to Marina for the fun quiz and cake. Yum! We should definitely make this a yearly thing.


Christine :wavey:


Oh, and I forgot to mention the unbelievable deserts. Brownies, mini desert cups, brownies, a Mini 50th birthday cake, brownies, cookies, a 26 layer oreo cake, and I think there were some brownies.


Not only did I fall off the diet wagon, it backed up


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