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Everything posted by DanP

  1. Hey Corey! I should have revisited this post. In the end, the problem seems to have been some combination of having the master cylinder capped, and/or not using a caliper wind-in tool. When I started over a couple days later with a loaner tool from Advantage and the cap off, it all went perfectly smooth. I finger-tightened the calipers all the way in, easy. Had to fight Bimmerlink which didn't want to turn off service mode, but then flicking the electric parking brake on manually fixed that, and everything went back to normal. It honestly really was easy, once I had the proper tools. But of course when you follow a YouTube guide, they always miss one or two key steps.
  2. First attempt at a rear brake job on our 2022 F54. I'm swapping my worn original pads for EBC Redstuff. I used Bimmerlink to put her in service mode and retract the rear pistons. Got it all ready to reassemble and the caliper won't fit over the new pads. Double-checked the fitment guide, no problem there. Eventually figured out that the piston isn't in far enough, because there's barely enough room in there for the old pads plus rotor. An extra 20mm isn't going to fit. Tried compressing the piston more by turning it clockwise with a crescent wrench. It moves freely going counter-clockwise, but stops decisively, right where it's at for the clockwise direction. Any ideas?
  3. Just booked a tent reservation. Thrilled to be joining our first MOTD!
  4. Ooooof, that's just about as inconvenient as possible. 6000+ mile round trip. But I'll be unavailable in July anyway, alas. Easy come, easy go.
  5. Has everyone looked at the weather? It's looking perfect.
  6. Late to the forum, but TeAh and I wanted to say that we had a great time, and can't wait to ge out with our MINI friends again!
  7. We will be there, no matter how wet. See you in the morning!
  8. Hey were we tracking that Saturday will be Art in the Burg in Middleburg? A couple street closures planned, though not the main highway. Parking may be tricky though. https://www.artintheburgva.com/
  9. DanP

    The Mistress Run

    We just joined, and we plan on coming!
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