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About hennigm

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  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Factory JCW (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Indi Blue
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  1. To follow up on the harbor freight Chicago tool impact wrench. I used it to replace the hub on my 528i. Unbelievably it broke the 4 wheel bearing bolts loose, small enough to work in the wheel well. Great tool cant beat the price, huge time saver...And BTW You Tube has everything on it, hub replacement everything..I have to replace my Tie rods due to frozen condition, Sterling mini wanted 600+, parts online are 120, labor will be free from me....And guess what, its on you tube...
  2. That's what I picked up today, driver and drill, real small, 12VDC. 54$ and 44$ each. I saw some really nice Dewalt ones at HD, they were 129$ and 99$... We will see how the Chicago ones hold up. Harbor Freight is awesome, store up in Winchester VA is the one I went to. Vehicle lifts , tools etc...Great prices.
  3. So I have a nice heavy duty Dewalt impact driver, perfect for removing lug nuts, too big , heavy and bulky for most anything else. What do the DIY folks use? Im looking for a small impact wrench and driver to make removing screws, bolts easier than using the socket set. Whats the popular item for this?
  4. Chiropractor works wonders for me when I have issues like that. Some think its like snake oil, but it really works for me. Have to find the right doc.
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