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Everything posted by isherri

  1. Are we decided on the crowns then? Should we start constructing those? I'm out of the country for Thanksgiving so I want to get started now while I've got a free weekend!
  2. Those photos are awesome! Thanks Catalina and everyone else that captured and posted the moment I had such a great time!
  3. I'll be there by 7:30 to help set up the raffle table. I also have an extra radio. If anyone needs to borrow it, you can come and get it when you buy your raffle tickets!
  4. Good food, good beer, great company. Thanks for all the fun!
  5. Crowns would be super easy. We could make them out of poster board so they'd be a little more sturdy. Each car could do a different color. All of the drivers could wear the tissue paper crowns as well! I feel like getting some Christmas crackers right now. You know, for research.
  6. I've still got 6 yards of crushed brown velvet from my wolf suit if anyone is thinking reindeer...
  7. Love the crown idea, I've got an entire collection and a crown tattoo on the back of my neck! Maybe we could dress as the Good King (or Queen) Wenceslas? Or wise men (and women)? What if we created a moving manger scene? Some cars could be animals or Mary or Joseph. We could turn Tigger into a manger and drop a baby Jesus in the back...
  8. This is right! And I'll totally post on Instagram FB and Twitter when I'm not selling raffle tickets or driving. :wavey:
  9. I'll be there, I'll be late, but I'll be there!
  10. I had a fantastic time at my first ever Mini Costume contest. However, I believe it should have been a four way tie, since Mini One was my personal favorite. No way I'm competing against Tigger for biggest suck up next year. I'm not ever sure it's possible to top this year's entry!
  11. I believe it's the attention to detail that will really propel me towards first place. Does anyone know where I can download some really threatening growling sounds?
  12. Sorry I am going to miss this, but I couldn't resist the Color Run. Have fun and happy motoring!
  13. I'm interested! Any idea of the date yet?
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