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Odds and Ends

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Everything posted by Odds and Ends

  1. Glad you enjoyed yourself! Please let me know if you have more questions about anything.... - Darryl
  2. Yay! I miss you guys.....
  3. I'm a RaggTopp guy myself.....use it my own convertibles as well as customers cars when I clean and treat. I keep it in stock on my retail shelves for all of you DIY'ers. I recommend a twice a year clean and treat - once in the spring and once in the fall.....possibly more often if the car sits outside or is a daily driver. I don't recommend washing for a couple of reasons. First, any kind of car soap or shampoo will take a long time to rinse out of the fabric and second, most of your wash pads will tend to shed and leave lint and fuzz "stuck" to the top. For light dust and debris, you can use a directional lint brush or one of those sticky roller things. I'd be happy to host the cabrio cleaning party - maybe turn it into a fall detailing clinic since we didn't do one for the club this past spring. - Darryl
  4. Thank you, Denny! Looking forward to serving you in the future.
  5. I am a little late to the party for the other coding thread/event, but figured I'd take the opportunity to bump this thread. BUMP!
  6. I know a guy who does calipers and other small parts.....he might even be a sponsor on this forum.....:itsme:
  7. No, not TIS, but it does all of the factory stuff. What exactly are you looking for and/or need help with?
  8. Hi MINI gang...... I am now in possession of full diagnostic software for MINI. It covers all models - past, present, and future. I am willing to do one of two things: Plug in to read &/or clear codes with a full printout for a small flat fee OR simply let you use my computer for DIY things for a nominal hourly fee. You must come here as I do not lend out my computer or cables. Neither of these options are for me to get rich, but rather to help offset the high cost of obtaining real, licensed, upgradeable hardware and software and also to keep my shop fridge stocked with soda and beer! If you need dash lights cleared, errors diagnosed, or want to make some modifications, this is the way to do it. I am not intimately familiar with all of the coding options on the MINIs since I don't own one, but if you can find the info you need, I can help you get into the various modules and program it with you. I also have VAGCom for VW/Audi and Durametric for Porsche in case you have friends or neighbors who are car enthusiasts with those other marques in their driveways! Please get in touch with me via regular e-mail fro more info. - Darryl
  9. SOLD. Sorry for not updating this post earlier, but I wanted to do my due diligence since I had an inquiry.....
  10. Hi MINI gang, One of my customers is looking to sell an OEM bike rack. I'm sure all of you can tell me better, but from the looks of things online, this appears to be the "touring bike rack" that lists for 158.95 on shopminiusa.com My customer's car was 2009 but I'm not sure of fitment. I have the rack here at my place, all instructions and hardware included. I'm open to reasonable offers as he has sold his MINI and no longer needs this item. Regular e-mail works best for me just in case I'm not in front of PC to log on to the forum. "email@oddsandendsdetailing.com" - Darryl
  11. Yup...D&V Autobody. You can tell Kevin that Darryl from Odds and Ends Detailing sent you as well. We do business together on a pretty regular basis.
  12. Over the course of the last few years, I've been asked by many customers about offering storage options, but as those of you who have been to the shop recently know, I'm pretty tight on space. If I build it, will you come? Pardon the movie reference..... Cars, and car related things, maybe motorcycles. Still working out pricing but I will offer month to month deals and then discounts for longer term commitments. If your MINI is scared of the snow or if you have tires and spare parts taking up space under your bed or in your closets, send me an e-mail. Please no PMs. - Darryl
  13. I'm here now......lol
  14. Absolutely....
  15. Winter Glass Special If you haven't tried the Adam's Glass Sealant, wait til you see how water beads and simply runs right off. You don't even need your wipers over approx 35MPH It helps snow and ice from sticking too! Here's what you get: 16oz Adam's Glass Cleaner 2 pk Adam's Glass Towels 4oz Adam's Glass Sealant 1 Microfiber applicator pad Purchase the above kit and I'll clean, clay, and apply it to your windshield FREE while you wait. A savings of over 17%......yours for 41.00. CASH or CHECK ONLY at this price. Credit card price slightly higher. Offer good through Nov 16, 2013.
  16. If you're going to do "rubbing" alcohol, aka Isopropyl Alcolhol (IPA), I'd dilute it first, probably 50/50 with water and try it in an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't have an adverse effect on the tint. - Darryl
  17. Ali...that's great! BTW, I saw your buddy with the Yellow Elise on Sunday (name slips my mind at this precise moment) so hopefully he will be able to join us as well. This event will be MINI, LOTUS, & Porsche....... - Darryl
  18. Thanks for putting up the other thread.....sorry you won't be able to make it, but you know you're welcome here anytime! - Darryl
  19. Hi MINI Gang..... I know there were lots of you that couldn't make it to the first detailing clinic, so here's your chance to come see what you missed! I am hosting a multi-marquee event on Oct 20th. We'll get started at 10am due to the potential for a chilly morning, but the weather is usually very nice that time of year, so we'll consider this the last opportunity for the season for this sort of thing. Hopefully, this is ample notice so more of you can attend. For those of you who made it to the first one, please feel free to come back for more. They are usually a pretty good time. Due to the later start time, perhaps we will fire up the grill at the end of the day! - Darryl
  20. Both Pro and Signature come in 20, 30, and 50ml bottles. Pro is supposed to have a higher silica content and therefore offer a slightly improved shine. I am in Sterling, very close to Dulles Airport, just off 28.
  21. Yes, it sounds like it could be a good option for you based on your environment. The 20ml VX1 Pro is 60.00 at most online sites, VX1 Signature is a little less expensive. You should be able to do a MINI with that size. I've got lots of people asking me about it but when they hear the price, they re-think their options. I do not offer the product for retail sale, but can obtain it and do the application. - Darryl
  22. It's more like 75.00 a bottle and it's NOT something you want to do yourself. It's a little tricky the first couple of times you do it and you will be throwing away any towels or applicators used during the process. What I find fascinating is that it's a new product but lasts two years.....do you know anyone who has put it on and two years later is still happy? Daily Driver? Garage Queen? I think it is a fine product. I've used it for customers and they've been very pleased. I do not have it on any of my cars. What purpose is it that you are trying to achieve? You don't think the MINI dealer would ever try and sell you something, do you? Just my .02...... - Darryl
  23. I keep both the Porter Cable 7424XP and the Flex 3401 on my shelves. Please get in touch if I can help in any way. - Darryl
  24. For your wash bucket, you will use approx 1 oz in a 5 gallon bucket. For loading up the foam gun, there is a dial on the top that allows you to control the ratio. I usually have mine on the "1" setting which is 20:1 and run 100% shampoo. I probably use too much shampoo but I like it foamy and know where to get more when I run out...lol Plus it smells great! The foam gun holds 32oz and I've cut it with water by up to half and it still produces quite a bit of soapy mixture and I run the dial at "0" (10:1) for a thinner solution. If I can help you out with anything, please get in touch. - Darryl
  25. Here are some finished pics of our guinea pig/test/demo car for the day. Sorry the sun was going down so no bright sunny pics, but for those who were there, I thought you might like to see the final outcome! - Darryl
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