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Everything posted by Brandy_Brown

  1. Event Title: Post-Holiday Party is Back! Event Date: 01/11/2025 05:00 PM to 01/11/2025 09:00 PM Event Address: It’s time to bring back the DCMM post-holiday party. We have all survived our relatives but are not ready to let the Holidays end. Come join your fellow MINIacs to catchup on the winter projects we have completed, those we haven't got to yet, and what MINI goals we all have for the new year. We will be having a Potluck for everyone to show off the culinary skills, along with a white elephant gift exchange. Nothing starts the new year off on the right foot like stealing gifts from your fellow MINIacs. Where: Rey Rodriguez and family are hosting the event at their home in Bristow, VA. Parking: The house in on a cul-de-sac so there is plenty of curb parking with no traffic to worry about. Food: As is our tradition, this will be a Potluck event. Please post what you will be bringing so we can ensure there's a wide variety. Beverages: We'll have a variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. If you prefer to partake of adult/intoxicating beverages, please BYOB and plan on having a DD. Gift Exchange: For those interested in participating, there will be a White Elephant gift exchange. (Limit gifts to no more than $35.00.) Questions? Volunteers to set up and/or clean up? Please PM or email anyone on the board. RSVP on the event here:
  2. until
    It’s time to bring back the DCMM post-holiday party. We have all survived our relatives but are not ready to let the Holidays end. Come join your fellow MINIacs to catchup on the winter projects we have completed, those we haven't got to yet, and what MINI goals we all have for the new year. We will be having a Potluck for everyone to show off the culinary skills, along with a white elephant gift exchange. Nothing starts the new year off on the right foot like stealing gifts from your fellow MINIacs. Where: Rey Rodriguez and family are hosting the event at their home in Bristow, VA. Parking: The house in on a cul-de-sac so there is plenty of curb parking with no traffic to worry about. Food: As is our tradition, this will be a Potluck event. Please post what you will be bringing so we can ensure there's a wide variety. Beverages: We'll have a variety of non-alcoholic beverages available. If you prefer to partake of adult/intoxicating beverages, please BYOB and plan on having a DD. Gift Exchange: For those interested in participating, there will be a White Elephant gift exchange. (Limit gifts to no more than $35.00.) Questions? Volunteers to set up and/or clean up? Please PM or email anyone on the board.
  3. They do!
  4. Corey has been crazy busy but I will remind him to chirp in. There are no real spots to stop on the dragon itself. It is very dangerous to stop other Than to pull over for a car to pass you. There are camera men set up all along the route and will get good photos of your car for you, you just have to search their site for your car.
  5. Event Title: External Event: MINIS On The Dragon Event Date: 04/27/2022 12:00 AM to 05/01/2022 12:00 AM Event Address: What Is "MINIs on Dragon"? That's the first question I had. Well, I've learned that the "MINIs on the Dragon" is many things to many people. For me, it's kinda like a concert. Sure if I want to listen to my favorite group I'll choose an acoustically designed room with a great stereo system. But if that group comes to concert, I'm there, not because of the quality of the music, but for the atmosphere and camaraderie. The event itself now takes on more meaning than the music. Yes, the MOTD started out as an get together to drive 11-mile stretch of road with 318 curves aka the Dragon. That in itself is more than enough reason to travel to the breath taking mountains of North Carolina. But in the first weekend of May each year, it has evolved into much more than that. Just like our beloved MINI's have evolved into more than just a car to us. So you take the 11-mile stretch of road, then you toss in the mountains, country roads and waterfalls. Now add 600 to 1000 fellow MINIacs and it takes on a whole new meaning. Wake up each morning and see hundreds of Mini's each day, attend dinners and events, go on group drives, or just gather and drool over each other's mods. Get a chance to put a face to a screen name, see some old friends and make some new ones. For more information and to register check out MINIsonthedragon.com RSVP on the event here:
  6. until
    What Is "MINIs on Dragon"? That's the first question I had. Well, I've learned that the "MINIs on the Dragon" is many things to many people. For me, it's kinda like a concert. Sure if I want to listen to my favorite group I'll choose an acoustically designed room with a great stereo system. But if that group comes to concert, I'm there, not because of the quality of the music, but for the atmosphere and camaraderie. The event itself now takes on more meaning than the music. Yes, the MOTD started out as an get together to drive 11-mile stretch of road with 318 curves aka the Dragon. That in itself is more than enough reason to travel to the breath taking mountains of North Carolina. But in the first weekend of May each year, it has evolved into much more than that. Just like our beloved MINI's have evolved into more than just a car to us. So you take the 11-mile stretch of road, then you toss in the mountains, country roads and waterfalls. Now add 600 to 1000 fellow MINIacs and it takes on a whole new meaning. Wake up each morning and see hundreds of Mini's each day, attend dinners and events, go on group drives, or just gather and drool over each other's mods. Get a chance to put a face to a screen name, see some old friends and make some new ones. For more information and to register check out MINIsonthedragon.com
  7. Reservation made today, They are excited for us to visit.
  8. For anyone that is going on the run AND going to the Winery, Can I get a headcount of how many people will be with you. I need to give them an accurate headcount for Sunday.
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