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Posts posted by 68wmcs

  1. Yippie! I contacted DYC.com to ask about the status of the order. They told me it's already shipped and gave me the tracking number. It's arriving today! They never updated the order status online or sent me an email. Oh well, at least I know what we'll be doing this weekend!


    That's one thing I forgot to mention about DYC.com. They couple times I've ordered through them, I had to contact him to get my tracking info.

  2. I'll take it!


    It's all yours, if for some reason you can't show up send me a PM and I'll make it to fill the time slot. Enjoy, because I really wanted to tint my windows.

  3. Anyone interested in my 1:30pm appt time for the tint? I will still show up if no one takes it. If you're interested PM me or Monster99.


    Just found out my CV boot ripped and spilled most of the grease and I'm trying to decrease the road time till I fix it.

  4. Can you please send it to me too? My cousin is coming in a couple weeks and I want to take her out there to see the Fall leaves.


    I also wanted the spreadsheet to make the trip out there for Fall leaves! Great minds think alike.


    Here ya go.




    I should have thought of that! :wink:


    You did, the thought came from the same household! Genius by association. :biggrin:


    EDIT: Is there a Military discount?

  5. Alright everyone, I've been given the task of trying to get more of you to come next year. We had a blast at Mickey and MINI 7 (last year) and 8. We've made a lot of great friends in the Sunshine MINIs community.


    I would have gone but didn't hear about Mickey and MINI till last minute. I will be there next time!

  6. Yeah you should have pulled the bike in there for the pic or maybe we can get someone to photoshop GREMLIN in there. Thanks for spelling my name right btw :)


    Have I been spelling it wrong before? Sorry if I was. So who's up for the photoshop challenge?


    Great to have met some new faces, and great to see some old friends too!!


    Congrats to the new Board Members, and thanks all for another well thought out, put together, and executed meeting!


    was GREAT to get out for a change!!


    Great seeing you out and about and making it to a meet!

  7. Mike - Please come in what ever mode of transportation that is convenient. We love your MINI, but we need people at the meeting.


    I was going to make it, just didn't know if I would be kicked out for coming on a bike. :embarassed:

  8. Splitter looks good, not too bad of an install either. How long did it set ya back? Seems like I am going to have to take the bumper off at some point to install my black out grill, might as well do a splitter too if I am having the bumper off, lol.


    That did look a little labor intensive-


    The bumper on the GEN1 isn't hard to take off, it was having the right measurements and drilling the holes that took the most time. I think it took about 2 hrs from start to finish, give or take a few minutes..

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