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Everything posted by ptomaine1

  1. I meant to post this earlier. I had just picked up my fiancee from BWI and was on 495 going West. I can't remember close to what exit (20-something probably), but it was in view of the later day saints church. Man and a woman in a '07+ that was blue w/ black hood stripes and black roof I think. Don't remember the plate but they pulled up beside us and honked.
  2. It's official, he's got a name, and it's Fred. This was inspired by the car first having a small rotational squeak after getting it from the dealer and recently the gas gauge stopped working a couple of times. So, since the car wants to act surly sometimes I just named it after my favorite grumpy character, Fred G. Sanford. I'm still loving the car and wouldn't give it up.
  3. Thank you all for welcoming me. I'm still working on a name and haven't taken any pictures yet. I need to get cracking on both. Yarsay, the name is actually a play on my real name (Thomayne). I was born and raised in South Carolina, go Gamecocks!
  4. Hello All. I wanted to stop in and say hello as I am a new 2006 S owner out of DC. All I can say is that I've always wanted a Mini but now I only wish I had gotten one sooner. The NAM board and this one have been my daily reading since I picked up the car. Everyone have a lovely day. Also, does anyone know if solar solutions is still around? This heat is killing me and I want to get my windows done ASAP but the number isn't in service. If not, can I get some suggestions? I put a call in to TNT Tint and I'm on his list but I'll have to wait a while. Thanks.
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