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About Isadinho

  • Rank
    First Gear
    First Gear

Club Position

  • Title
    First Gear

Personal Information

  • First Name
  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Georgetown University Hospital


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Chili Red
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
  1. welcome, any pictures?
  2. welcome! Im sure youre having loads of fun in you clubbie already!
  3. sorry to bring this from the dead, but I really enjoyed this post. Im really looking forward to make this mini win some events!
  4. Anyone leaving from Arlington area, if so maybe we can meet up to ride out there!
  5. I figured it out, turned out to be rather simple:embarassed:
  6. So, I finally got a buyer for my driving lights, and now I'm uninstalling them, problem is I'm having trouble getting to the main wiring harness that's behind the radio, one because trying to get this radio out is a hassle itself...anybody, done this before or at least have any tips to getting behind the radio?
  7. Hey that was me! Finally seeing someone from the forums was pretty cool:top:
  8. Welcome! What are can we go to see the price list for any of those treatments...?
  9. Wherever you guys decide to have this seafoam party, Id like to come, I'm doing all the maintenance stuff right now so this seems appropriate, although im still stock...minus the filter
  10. There are club stickers:biggrin: I def need one, and I had some fun with a yellow mini yesterday over by Chick fil a... he was test driving it by himself w/ dealer plate and sticker in the window, and I just got my intake filter:motor:
  11. Thanks for the heads up, I might get them down the road. I was hoping you were going to say they were super comfortable for the street and then I would've gotten them right away:top:
  12. Schroth Rallye 4 MINI Quick Fit Harness Belt Has anybody tested these Harnesses, I searched for em but nobody seems to have a review on them. If anyone has seen or knows of someone who uses them, I was just wondering as to how "streetable" they are for daily use, and the occasional track visit? note* CMcveay when searching through the threads I saw you bought some used, do you still have em, and if so the above question is my concern...
  13. Thanks for the costco tip, I might end up going there this weekend. It sounds like it has a few more starts in it, but I'd rather be on the safer side of things. Plus Costco has a 3 year warranty on the battery so its not really a bad deal:top:
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