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Everything posted by thedonva

  1. Bridgestone - Potenza G019 Grid with Uni-T I'm thinking about going with Bridgestone Potenza tires (G019) - Costco has these for $110 a piece. Does anyone have experience with these. These are 205/45/R17s - it looks like Tirerack and DTD don't offer that size, what would be a good alternate (215/45/R17)? Thanks
  2. Hi - I still have these. Sorry for the delay.
  3. Hi, These came off an 07, how long have they been sitting in your garage?
  4. Hi, I'll take them, where do you live? Don
  5. Hi - would you be willing to break this up - since you don't have the tires mounted? How much for just the tires - what size are they and they only have 50 miles? I have a set of 17 black rims for sale but have no bites...
  6. I'm selling a brand new set of black spoke rims. They are still in their original packaging (4 boxes). I'm asking $400. 17 x 7 R42 - no tires but the size that would fit are 205 / 45 / R17. Thanks for looking.
  7. Well - I guess I'll start with the front wheel first. They are 16" bridge spokes so hopefully they fit.
  8. Hi - picked up a set of 16"s at a great price. I also bought a jack so I can put them on before I go back to work next week. Thanks everyone...
  9. Can you email me pics of the tires for $250 - don.marrow@comcast.net?
  10. Thanks for the tips on TPMS, I'm thinking about ordering standard (non-run flat) tires and the guy at discount tire direct said I could forgo the TPMS sensors for the winter. I'm still looking for tires but will order mine from DTD tomorrow if I don't come across anything.
  11. Will these fit on a 2010 Cooper - if so then please post the pics - I'd like to consider all options.
  12. I'm looking for a set of winter wheels / tires, basically as long as they are not summer tires I'm interested. If you have any for sale I can come pick them up tomorrow or next week. I'm about to place an order on discount tire direct and will try and hold out for a couple more days. :top:
  13. Thanks for the tips - of course Passport Mini told me they are all season - cha as if.
  14. Thanks - looking to move off the run flats until spring after the horror I went through today - lots of spinning - no moving. Any other suggestions besides the Blizzak, someone recommended the Continental DWS???
  15. I need some snow tires to replace my sorry run flats, I had zero traction today and had to leave my poor mini at my wife's work. I was going to see what Costco carries, they always have great prices but I don't know if they'll carry a good winter tire. Tirerack has the Blizzaks for a good price but does anyone have a recommendation for where to get them installed?
  16. Perhaps I missed this but does anyone know where you can go to upgrade the chip in your Mini. I just bought a 2010 Clubman S and wanted to know who can tweak the chip and what the increase in HP is?
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