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Everything posted by orcadog

  1. I knew I was "leaving some on the table" last night! Stephano's time spurred my competitive side :motor: so I spent some time with it this evening and managed a 1:33.630 Trying to upload the video from my phone to YouTube now so I can back up my claims
  2. So after getting my 1:34.419 I decided to see what the Stig actually did on his Power Lap. In a JCW car he did the lap in a 1:34.2. The site doesn't mention what year it was but I seam to remember the episode and I'm 99.99 % sure it was an R53.
  3. Well, First I had to unlock the track! (The van race is actually kinda fun!) And after I figured out why I kept invalidating my laps (cutting the corner on hammerhead) I got this - 1:34.419
  4. You "big city" guys get all the cool stuff! Looks like a very cool concept, and the rates are great.
  5. Your brother is my new hero! :top: Very Nice! Do you get much flex/lean from the steering wheel post?
  6. HURRY SANTA!!!!!!!! :motor: Maxi - those pics are killin' me!
  7. SWEET!! Can't wait to see the pics - taken with the new camera of course!
  8. That camera takes a nice shot! And you compose well too. This is a little OT, but one of your shots of your car (I love the Laurel editions) inspired me to tell you that a pair of Hella Black Magic's would look sweet in place of your traditional Hella's IMHO :embarassed:. I too aspire to own a nice DSLR. I currently have a Canon G9 and a couple of Canon PowerShots for "pocket" use. Great car and great pics! Have fun your new toy!
  9. PS3's are easy to get! Sold nearby! You too can own a piece of serious technology! I'm just sayin'... http://www.walmart.com/ip/PlayStation-3-160GB-Console-w-Bonus-Value-Game-PS3-Wireless-Controller-and-Blu-Ray-Remote/10756398
  10. How awesome would that be! I'm IN just as soon as Santa comes!
  11. I bought my PS3 a few years ago specifically for the GT5 Prologue. It's so worth it. If it helps - the PS3 has a built in Blu-Ray player! That helped me rationalize the purchase back when these cost $400 bucks!
  12. Um yeah, that's a bit nicer looking than my desk/table chair set-up. Really, that's a piece of art.
  13. That's cool! I love the fact that he threw up in his helmet! Poor chap, I wish he had been able to do more laps. I thought the Fins where all strapping men who wrestle bears in between working and drinking? I dabble in iRacing as well. It's way different than GT5. Hard to explain the differences if you don't have a reference point for either. But both are very fun!!
  14. MMMmmmm...G27. :rock:
  15. This is so HAWT!!! Normally I run right out and buy a copy of any GT game as soon as it comes out. UNFORTUNATELY this year I am forced to wait for the Wife/Santa to get it for me for Christmas. Nice pics!!
  16. I just replaced mine on my R53 with about 30k on it. I replaced the fronts (rotors and pads) because the rotors were out of spec for passing state safety inspection. I replaced the rears because I wanted them to match the front. I bought ATE Premium One rotors and Hawk Ceramic pads. As a slight upgrade to stock. It cost me pretty much the same as OEM stuff. Now, to answer your question about HAVING to replace the rotors with the pads - I have heard this before as well. Here is MY take on it. If the rotors are still thick enough to last you another set of pads, then go for it. But I would use the same kind of pads as the ones you are replacing. (A more aggressive pad, may chew through the rotors faster and leave you with a reasonably healthy brake pad but a rotor that is toast. And when you replace rotors you should definitely replace pads, so you're throwing money away by having to replace a still usable pad) A driver who is exceptionally hard on his/her brakes might find that this doesn't hold true, but for most enthusiasts I think it's a fair assessment -YMMV. As a side note, I don't think the Ceramic pads are right for me, they aren't any more aggressive than stock. I've put a couple hundred miles on them and I am thinking I want to go with the HPS pads. The Ceramic's are AWESOME for lack of dust though! Perhaps you would be interested in my ceramic pads? They aren't cheap, and I'd be willing to make you a deal! -Ryan
  17. SWEET! Love the overpass pics!
  18. Amen on both counts!! Great Job! (from your fellow motorers at carlis
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