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About Guitarfrk75

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  1. Saw an R53 (I think) heading up clopper road in Germantown/Gaitherburg yesterday - he pulled in behind me in traffic. Gave me a honk and a waive while pulling into a gas station. I tried to wave back but my sunroof cover was still closed... all i did was get my hand stuck... :-)
  2. I would love to go but I'm going to have to head to southern MD that day. I will manage to make it to the SCCA event at FedEx field on Sunday though. Anyone hitting that?!
  3. Caroline found me too. She was jsut sitting on the dealer lot looking very very lonely. Now she has a new home, loves backroads, hates I-270 traffic and wants a single thick stripe all the way down her left had side. I think she thinks it's like getting a tatto... Err... back on topic - I would be almost 100% certain that if you want to order a MINI in June you will be able to order a MINI in June. There's no way any dealer or manufacturer is going to cut off orders for a whole month, so don't panic, it just doesn't make business sense. Smells a lot like it came from a cows behind to me. That brings me to my next point. That guy is clearly to high pressure for you and therefore is making you feel uncomfortable, so find another dealer or another MA. MoS is a little slow sometimes but Lisa there was great and very low pressure when she helped me out. Let us know how the hunt goes!!
  4. I wish they had left a number so we could ask them to carpool...
  5. I hope the cops choose to take one as well!!
  6. So I picked up my new baby yesterday - Green JCW with a black roof (no stripes yet) - and someone passed me on 270 this morning and waved - it was a Red Cooper S with lots of badges on the back (I was still half asleep so I didn't get more than that...) I think I'm going to have to tie myself to my desk so I don't go and drive around the parking lot every half hour...
  7. Hey guys, I'm on the point of trading in my current Mazda for a new Cooper S or JCW. I wanted to see if anyone had any experience living with the MINI with kids/babies. Could you let me know?! I don't have any kids at the moment but 2-3 years down the line... things may be different! Also if anyone has any take on whether the factory 2010 JCW is worth the premium over the S then that would be great to know as well. I'm considering both models and I REEEAAALLY want the JCW (I've been fed a steady diet of F1 and sportscar racing since I was born) I'm not sure if it's so much better to be worth the extra money. Thanks guys, I hope I can see some of you soon!!
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