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About miniglenn

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  • Location
    Washington, DC
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  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S (Hatchback)
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Volcanic Orange
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name

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  1. I finally got my photos all edited and posted online! https://photos.glennfitzpatrick.com/gallery/8TI64NnDxFwsHDZDn9RkqZZD
  2. Sure!
  3. My girlfriend and I will be going!
  4. So, this morning as I was driving to work on 95 northbound in MD near route 175, I was following a kitchen installation truck on a delivery, when suddenly a wooden shipping pallet (of all things!) became airborne from the truck's load and landed on my poor MINI. I swear it had to be the size of a window frame, probably about 3'x4'! Thankfully it somehow missed the windshield and my sunroof, but now I have a dent about the size of a silver dollar and maybe a few small scratches. I'm actually pretty surprised at how little damage it did considering how loud of a noise it made when it hit my car. One of my friends was with me at the time so I've got a witness and she was able to get the truck's license plate and company information (I had tried to pull alongside to get the driver's attention but I don't think he even noticed what happened at all), and based on the recommendation of my insurance company I'll be filing a police report and getting a few repair estimates we can present to the installation company's insurance. I'm going to go to my dealer's (MINI of Annapolis) collision center to see what they think, but does anybody have any other recommendations for places I might want to try? Thanks in advance for any help! - Glenn
  5. Cool beans!
  6. Hey hey! Remember me? I've missed motoring with you all! I've been busy the past year or so with school and work and work and school and haven't had much free time, but in the past year I've convinced two friends and a coworker to get MINIs so I'm now trying to convince them to join DCMM too. I'll have to wait until January to pay my dues and start my motoring since I'm MINIless at the moment and will really only have a MINI for December -- since the last time I was really around I traded in my 2004 LY/B Cooper S after a bunch of issues told me it was time for a different MINI and got a 2008 LB/B Cooper S... and I just recently traded THAT one in this week towards a 2010 LB/B Cooper S that should be here in a few weeks. (edit: Oh yeah, the user control panel needs to be updated for selecting a 2010 model year...) Also, if you got a MINI in the past year or so and got a MINI adventure kit in the mail with a mousepad that had a collage of MINI-themed photos, I hope you like the nighttime photo of a speedometer on there since I took that one. Good times! See you on the road soon!
  7. My girlfriend used to work for Traffic.com's online operations and still keeps in touch with her old coworkers, so I told her about the ride and she let her friends know to keep an eye out on their traffic cameras for a convoy of MINIs. :laugh:
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