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Everything posted by Luxor

  1. SOLD!!!
  2. I went with Alta's Ignition package: http://www.altaperformance.com/products/show/543/Ignition-Upgrade-Package- MSD Ignition Coil Magnecor Wires Brisk Racing plugs Make sure you check the pin connection before ordering as they suggest. If you install the coil yourself, be careful not to overtighten the bolts. I did and it cost me hundreds of $$$ for a new valve/ignition cover. Otherwise, have had no problems with the package. btw, if you watch Alta's site, they are always offering 15-20% discounts.
  3. I had the same problem over the summer and it turned out to be the coolant expansion tank. It turned out to be about a $50.00 replacement from Outmotoring. Before changing, my engine overheating indicator would light up if it it idled too long. Luckily the replacement worked and it was a fairly affordable DIY fix.
  4. yeah, I do the neutral thing to, simply because it's more comfortable. Esp. in stop and go/city driving. Seems that I hear different stories from others on how long one's clutch lasts. I have 80K+ miles and haven't had any problems. However, I bought LUXOR used at around 25K +. So I don't know if it ever was replaced before i took ownership.
  5. Hey All, Yes these taillights are pretty easy to install (on R53 at least). The only thing to keep in mind is that to unstall the stock and install the aftermarket, there's not a whole lot of room in the boot, so make sure you have small enough tools to work around from the inside. Make sure that if you have to remove a nut/bolt, that you have a good grip on it once removed. (Yes I dropped one on the first one I did and couldn't find it :-/). The wiring was pretty simple as well. Contact me if you have any other Install questions and I'll be glad to help.
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