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About davekmd

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  • Spouse/Significant Other First Name - if none, please enter "n/a"


  • My MINIs Year
  • My MINIs Type
    Cooper S
  • My MINIs Body Color
    Pepper White
  • My MINIs Roof Color
  • My MINIs Name
  1. Folks, I’ve had a wonderful 4 years with my 2009 S but circumstances dictate that I be (hopefully temporarily) MINI-less. I’ve been an occasional lurker on this forum and have even joined in a hanging-the-corners–picking-the-cherries guest ride. It’s a bit cliché perhaps and corny to say that the MINI brand is a special car and attracts special people. But really this car was a blast to own and drive and like the Honda commercials from the 60s said, ‘you meet the nicest people on a’ (MINI). It rarely failed to put a smile on my face every time I got in it, even when I was just doing daily commutes. I still get compliments and thumbs up from people of all ages, from the very young to the very life experienced! I’m heading up to Watkins Glen again this year so perhaps I’ll bump into someone from this forum to say hello. Although the annual Vintage Gran Prix always brings out wonderful, wonderful people (and cars), I can’t help but wonder how rambunctious, unpretentious, fun, and friendly things will be with Mini as the featured marque. The Vintage Gran Prix is a super event hosted within a super venue of the Finger Lakes wine region of NY State. The past few years have seen a number of micro-breweries and distilleries pop up around the lakes, so it’s all very much, a pleasant, wine & cheese, beer, and spirits happening. I’ve tried posting in the forum’s Marketplace with my logon/ID but I don’t seem to have the proper credentials to do so.
  2. Yep, it sure is!
  3. Although I didn't do the ride I did attend the brunch and picked Cherries. My son, who did the ride with his GF, just raved about how well the event was organized, how good ALL the drivers were, and how great the roads were. At brunch his GF said that
  4. Just wondering if anyone wants to meet up to caravan out to the Mall on Sunday morning? I'm at Rt70 & 32 or Rt 70 & 97 (either or!). PM or reply and let me know. I guess we'd be leaving around 8:15AM for the 1/2 hr ride to Frederick.
  5. Absolutely, in the mean time I've signed up for the DC Metro drive in late June!
  6. Hey, folks, I'd love to attend the event so count me in (driver and passenger!). DaveK.
  7. Outstanding! I'll have the Pepper White MCS, sport stripes and (hopefully) silver Rota RBs wheels. The support vehicle is a tan CRV (just look for a white EZup canopy over in the general parking area, close to where folks pull into the event. If I'm not there, standby, I'm probably down the hill looking at cars. We make a ritual of looking a bit, chilling/grilling, looking a bit, chillling/grilling, (repeat often). The invite for food and drink is open to all. Stop by say Hi, get some food/drink, shoot the breeze, etc.
  8. I live near the Howard County fairgrounds and plan on leaving around 9:30 to arrive around 10:30. (It's probably just a 1/2 hour to get to Lily Pons but leaving with a small caravan ... you wind up a bit late). Anyway we'll be heading West on Rt 70 at Rt97. We'll have the 09 PW MCS and a Honda CRV. Several of my neighbors have attended and I usually extend the invite to them. One of my neighbors shows his pristine (all original) 69 TR6. I've gone for the past 4-5 years and previously (not last year) it was very, very hot, so we started bringing an EZup canopy. Well if you bring a canopy you need chairs. If you bring chairs you need refreshements, and if you have refreshment, you need snacks, and if you have snacks well you need REAL food and that means a grill. Ergo the 'support' vehicle CRV. Shoot me a PM and give you my cell. Perhaps we can meet up or at least you can certainly stop by and get some food and drink. Nothing fancy proably brats or Italian sausage and chicken and burgers, etc. Cheers!
  9. Last year I know I was passed by probably 20-30 Minis right down the road from Lily Pons. I thought folks might have met up there, looked at cars, and then went motoring! It sure looked like a ton of fun, ergo I have the MINI this year. I also have 'back-up' support and will be grilling in the parking area (tailgating). Look for a white EZ-up canopy and tan CRV and come on over for food and refreshments!
  10. Anyone heading out to Lily Pons (Adamstown, MD) this Sunday for the "Original British Car Day"? If so, drop me a PM or email and/or look for a 09 PepperWhite S, sport stripes, and soon to be mounted Rota RBs! Cheers!
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