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Everything posted by etherpool

  1. Just got em done. Here's the link! http://forum.nccbmwcca.org/downloads.php?do=file&id=83&act=down Glad everyone had fun on Saturday. I was down for the count yesterday so I didn't get a chance to read the forums. I hope to see most of you this weekend in Waldorf!!:motor:
  2. The school is sold out! Thanks to all who registered. Looks like it's 7 MINI's and 9 BMW's. At least it's all in the family! Our next school is on May 5th at Regency Furniture Stadium in Waldorf, MD. If you couldn't make it to this one hopefully we will see you then!! If you regularly autocross and would like to come out and lend a hand to support the MINI community just drop me a line at phil@nccautocross.com. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you all soon!:top: Phil
  3. Two spots left! Registration will be open to everyone as of tomorrow. So if anyone was waiting until the last minute, this is the last minute!!
  4. Great! Only 2 spots left!!!
  5. You should be able to get your number instantly via email. If you have any issues feel free to reach out to me at phil@nccautocross.com. Phil
  6. 8 spots left. MINI owners get first pick until next Saturday then we will open it up to everyone. Word must have gotten out though since there are now 2 BMW's registered. So if there are any MINI drivers who want in sign up soon!!:rock:
  7. 7 spots filled. 9 to go! Somehow an M3 found a way to register. :banghead:
  8. BTW, we have lots of loaner helmets so don't worry about that. Phil
  9. 6 Registered. 10 to go!
  10. Oh well. It doesn't matter since it's a school. We can correct it at check in.
  11. Just make sure that if you sign up for a new membership you use the link above. We want to make sure that you get your free autocross points event!! And welcome!!
  12. Ali was able to register last night so it seems to be working but we are checking with MotorsportReg to be sure. 5 spots filled, 11 to go! Come on MINI owners!!!:motor:
  13. There may be a problem with MotorsportReg that is causing problems with registration. Unfortunately we can't correct it until Monday when they are open. Has anyone other than Craig has issues with registering today? If so please let me know ASAP so that I can make a list of names to hold your registration spots. We apologize for the inconvenience. Phil
  14. Were looking into it. When I go in everything seems to be working properly. If anyone else tried to register LMK if it worked or not. As soon as I can get one of our administrators to take a look I'll let you know. Phil
  15. Jonathan is looking into it. Not sure why it's doing that. Has anyone else had any issues this morning? Don't worry about Ali. I will have Jonathan hold that spot or register him. I know he wanted to go and is out of the country. If for some reason you can't register the both of you we will get it taken care if internally. Phil
  16. If anyone has any questions you can also reach me at phil@nccautocross.com.
  17. I got a quote today for $510 to install a full roof black jack on my 04 MCS w/sunroof. The guy is going to custom print it with marine grade 3M vinyl. Does this seem like a decent price? I've tried contacting Cooper Flags and couldn't get a response. Plus no one seems to have the black jack for my year w/sunroof.
  18. Done and done.
  19. Oh! In that case consider it done!!
  20. I was going to renew my membership but since it would expire in Dec anyway I may as well wait until Jan. But I will!:top:
  21. I'm gonna try and make this one.
  22. Well I finally made the plunge and am now the proud owner of a 2004 Pepper White MCS. Had to let my Z3 go to do it but I"ll get over it. So hopefully I'll be seeing you guys a little more often now!:top:
  23. etherpool

    NCC Autocross

    Also if anyone has any other questions feel free to contact us on our board at http://forum.nccbmwcca.org/showthread.php?6841-10-01-2011-Autocross-Regency-Furniture-Stadium I'm so happy the Mini's are coming!!!
  24. etherpool

    NCC Autocross

    Edge is correct. I don't know your cars but it sounds like they all belong in tuner. If you have any questions about it you can ask us when you come up to the tent to confirm your registration. If corrections need to be made we will do it then. Also, I hope you can make it out. If you autocrossed a Mustang you will LOVE auto-xing that Mini!! I got to autocross one last event and I'm so in. As soon as I sell my Mustang I'll be on the Mini hunt!!
  25. etherpool

    NCC Autocross

    As far car numbers the reason we want them is for people working the course so that they can call in which car does what. If you need depending on your car number you can borrow a few of mine. You only need two numbers. The first digit of the three denotes which heat you are in. Obviously we can tell that by what time your running so just the 2 digit car number will be fine.
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