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Everything posted by etherpool

  1. Only three spots left for the school!! http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/B113669E-D401-EB60-B7827E9C70233A27
  2. Thanks to all of you that came out today. It was one of our strongest MINI showings yet!! :top: Results are now posted. http://forum.nccbmwcca.org/downloads.php?do=file&id=97&act=down
  3. Pics from the 5/5 autocross school are up on our Flickr page. Special thanks to Kate Johnson for taking such great pics and getting everything posted!!:top:
  4. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I'm not getting notifications to replies again. For a school your tires will be fine. There are some people who run their stock tires all the time. However Ali is right, you will experience a little more wear. But it won't wear them out. I usually go an entire season or two on my set of race tires and they wear much faster than RFT's. Just make sure that you add 5 to 7 lbs to your tires before the event and you'll be fine. :top: If you have any more questions you can also email me at info@nccautocross.com. Thanks!! Phil
  5. BTW, 11 MINI's registered so far! NICE!!:top:
  6. Yep it pushes you into Tuner. I can see where it may get confusing because I think SCCA allows a 22MM rear bar as well as several other mods in stock class. We try to keep things simple as far as classing. MINIs are so tuneable even using stock parts so it can be a little hard to keep up!!
  7. I'm not sure. I'll forward this to our classing coordinator. He knows all the answers. Don't let it stop your from registering. We can always reclass you if needed!
  8. 7 spots for the AM left. :top:
  9. It's not required for the school. For a points event you would be in S2 if your car is a MCS and it's stock. BTW, you don't have to attend a school first to come autocross with us. We have instructors at each event that will be happy to help guide you through the day. Plus the more MINI's the merrier!!
  10. We reserve first registration for novices. We have so many people who want in we are forced to do it this way. We will offer remaining spots to people who have taken the class before a few days before the school. Sorry:frown:
  11. Here's the link. http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/B113669E-D401-EB60-B7827E9C70233A27 Let me know if you have any questions. Everyone-I'm going to open this up for public registration in the next few days so if you want in, now's your chance.
  12. Well it sounds like it may be a little of both. Our schools are primarily for people who want to try autocross or better improve their skills. But it sounds like it would meet your needs as well. You would definitely learn how to handle your car in extremes! Take a look at our website at nccautocross.com. I've also attached a video of one of my runs in my 04 MCS at our last event. Let me know if you have any questions. I'd be glad to help! Phil
  13. If anyone want's to get in on this school now let me know. Registration isn't officially open but I can provide a link to register early. Phil
  14. Were you able to get registered OK? LMK if I can help in any way!! Phil
  15. Were starting to fill up. Last two have sold out! Register Here!!
  16. THE EVENT IS SOLD OUT!! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO REGISTERED. OUR NEXT EVENT IS ON MAY 26TH AT REGENCY FURNITURE STADIUM IN WALDORF MD. DETAILS AT http://forum.nccbmwcca.org/showthread.php?7559-05-26-2012-Autocross-Regency-Furniture-Stadium. Thanks again to the MINI Community! 10 MINI's currently registered!!:top:
  17. Hmm. Well whatever I did it's working again now. I'll take it!:top:
  18. Yea I figured everyone would be at the Dragon. I thought I'd post about the 5/5 school just in case someone wanted to go who was still in town!! Registration for our July 28th school opens June 1st. So mark your calenders!!
  19. Only one slot left!! http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.advert/uidEvent/55CC5620-E39D-3F1A-A9D16DF2350F2702
  20. I'm so glad you all are coming out to events!!:top: Love my MINI's!! Can anyone tell me why I don't get notifications when I get responses to threads? I have the notification set to do so. It used to. Weird:stupid:
  21. Results are up on the ncc forum!! http://www.nccautocross.com:motor:
  22. BTW, Sorry if it's taking me a while to respond to posts. For some reason I'm not getting notification when new posts are added to the thread even though the option is on. If anyone needs to reach me I'm at phil@nccautocross.com. Phil
  23. Sure. Anytime! The bathrooms are supposed to be open at Regency this weekend. They were supposed to be open in Bowie but that didn't happen for some reason. I think I'm going to have to go for the Porta-Potty option next time!! Everyone did great at the school and I'm really proud that we are starting to get more of the MINI community at our events. That has been a goal of mine even before I was a MINI owner. It's amazing what these little cars can do and it's good to see people getting the most out of them!! If you really want to see what you can get out of a MINI take a ride with Carl, Craig, or Marina next time you see them at an event!! Phil
  24. Here's a video of my best run of the day. This was my first time out in the MCS. That little car is AWESOME!!!
  25. I'm sorry you missed the second half! I was so busy I missed you leaving. I hope we get to see you again soon!!
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