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Posts posted by MMatarella

  1. Workflow Management?


    My Preferred system was...


    Pan-X or Plus-x in D-76... Kodabromide non RC fixed contrast papers in Dektol 1:1 with water. I did break down and used veriable contrast RC paper and filters evetually for some stuff. For image enhancing various dodging tools in assorted shapes at the end metal rods for lightening areas during print exposure, and for areas that needed to be a bit darker you just breath warm breath on the paper to speed up the developer in that area. :biggrin:


    I also did color prints some and even did a full E-6 Ektachrome process at home a few tiimes. But given they are done in total dark with no manipulation they were no fun.


    Hahahahahaha sorry I couldn't help it. True though, all true.


    Oh, and to be honest I DO have a Eye Fi SD card in my digital camera, leave the camera on when I get home and it auto uploads all the new photos to my PC via my WiFi. It only does stills though. Seems I can't put one in my HiDef video camera that uses SD cards and have the video autoupload. And I did get a new printer for home, a Epson 6 ink one that'll print 13" by 19" prints.

  2. Hey Maxi, you ever see my camera collection when out here for a DCMM Cookout?


    My first camera was a 'Diana'. Took 127 roll film and had three exposure settings and three focus settings. I was 6 and the neighbors got it for me because we were going to Niagara Falls.


    Then a few Instamatics. First 'real' camera my dad got me a used outfit from a friend that bought a new OM-1 was a Ricoh Singlex (35mm slr) with a 55 f1.4, 28mm f2.8 and a 135mm f3.5.


    Had two of those. Started adding all kinds of cameras to the collection for fun, Yashica 44m TLR, some very old rangerfinder 35's and a couple 16mm subminiatures. Family started giving me their old cameras too for the collection. Then got a Pentax K2DMD titanium with a 5 fps motor drive, bulk back and data backs. Then went to a Pentax Super Program.


    When that and the K2 DMD had died I just used the old Ricoh's for a long time. Eventually I wanted better again so, being that to my taste the Pentax Super Program was the pinnacle of camera's I liked (at a resonable cost) I jumped on Ebay and easily aquired a few user Pentax Super Program bodies again and am happy with them. I've been meaing to a a Pentax MX too. Nice light manual body with nice feature set too.

  3. ...with a nice 36 x 24 mm sensor at a reasonable price, and Pentax K mount so I could play with my lovely 17-35mm, 135mm F1.8, 500mm F6.3 and other fun glass. Prices (of the non K mount bodies) have come down but not at the speed of many other consumer electronics.


    There are some (full frame) out there by Canon, Nikon, and Sony but cost a arm and a leg and don't take my lenses of course. Sigh... As I recall from the pre digital days I don't think the back space is right for a K mount adapter on any of them anyway and still get focus to infinity.


    There was Pentax full frame protype... But went no further. The 20D is a 1.5 crop factor which is getting better. But my 17mm rectilinear will be about a 26mm view at that rate. My fav portrait lens a 135mm f1.8 would be too long for that at a equiv 200mm. And it was a trifle long at 135mm but with the shallow depth of field I can get it is nice.


    Yes I know I could start over with new lenses, but see I HAVE lenses and I got these cheap over the years. :biggrin:


    Anyone else lament things like this? The passing of Kodachrome? And Plus-X and Panatomic-X?


    I'm not that, that old but anybody else remember cameras that didn't even take a battery?

  4. Matarella - The first shot is awesome! How many exposures is that?


    One time exposure on a tripod. Hence the moving people. :biggrin:


    As a kid two friends of mine and I spent a LOT of evenings in a dark field with various lights, hand held flash units, fireworks, flashlights, flares you name it doing long time exposures. Great fun. We did enough of this type 'work' for me to point out that a twin lens reflex is a great camera for this kind of work. On a TLR you don't lose the through the lens image and can coach the people moving lights to stay in frame etc.m or a viewfinder camera, any non SLR really. The 35mm SLR's we used for most stuff weren't the best choice for this stuff.

  5. It didn't occur to me till your post I don't have much in the way of night time shots of the car. Have to do something about that. Used to be my favorite photography was night time 'stuff'. Time exposures, multiple exposures and the like.








    This one not exactly dark, but a dim garage!



  6. I do seem to remember seeing on in a flyer or on a MINI vendor website in the past couple weeks, something about a MINI / BMW one.


    Oh it was a predominantly BMW catalog that has some MINI stuff too, and it was listed as the unique BMW tool that also works on MINI's


    I'll check when I get home today to see if I still have it.

  7. No worries! I had the holes too. If you look at my bumper closely you can see the color matched plugs there I got. I thought they might bother me color matched or not, but I have to admit even as picky as I can get I don't find them bothersome. If you wanted to do this or a tow hook plate mount I'd recommend bumperplugs.com


    I'd rather not have had it drilled, but they do a good job and are similar in appearnace to the PDC plugs on the back bumper.

  8. It is cool, but a word of caution from an former cop. Even if you do not have it retracted the fact that it can be is against the traffic code. Be carefull who sees you do that.


    VA Traffic code says:


    Place the plates on the

    front and rear of your vehicle so that they are securely

    fastened and clearly visible at all times.


    Well true. Of course it IS securely fastened. :) And I really usually only retract it on private property generally at a car show type thing but your point is taken and thanks for the heads up. I do appreciate the spirit in which you offer this advice.


    You have struck a raw nerve though! :D Since it's my thread, I'll allow myself a little tiny bit of rant mixed into my 'rationalization'.


    It's illegal to run red lights but no one seems to care enough to enforce that. Including officers sitting waiting at the light watching everyone roll through. Given the almost total anarchy on Northern VA roads I'm afraid my days of worrying about the 'letter of the law' re: traffic code are long gone. I'm all for the spirit of the law and am a 'good citizen' on the road. Realistically I really don't see my retracting my plate at MINI meets at the dealer and Car shows at grassy fields as a 'issue' though.


    If some wonderful peace officer disagrees and walks the grass field at Britain on the Green say, to give me a ticket well god bless his or her pea pickin' little heart. :D I'll laugh, pay it, and continue to fume that the 'officers' time might be better spent enforcing at the red lights and stops signs in Alexandria. Or running radar on the GW parkway where I'm passed every single day by cars doing roughly double the 45 mph limit I'm doing.


    On the other hand at other times they are putting themselves in harms way protecting the rest of us in countless ways so I'll fume to myself, smile and just laugh it off.


    P.S. I THOUGHT Northern Virginia had the worst, most aggresive, rude, sense of entitlement get out of my way drivers anywhere. Alas I drove around Miami a few weeks ago. :D Now I know better!

  9. That is awesome! How hard was it to install? And where did you order it from? I didn't see a link or prices on their site.


    What he said! :D


    I've got a tow hook kit now, but if/when I get the JCW aero kit the Stow & Go seems like a great product.


    I just ordered one via Amazon.com. That is just way too cool to ignore. I recently had the aero kit installed, and I bought a really nice tow hook mount for the license plate, so there are no holes in the bumper... but this solution is so much more elegant!


    I wonder if we can get away with driving around with the plate retracted?


    If we get pulled over, we can quickly hit the button to put it back out. Hehehe.



    Well, Edge just supplied a place to buy it, Amazon. :D I bought it from some Mustang site by googlin' the phrase stow n go. Easy to install. The Aero Kit bumper has a nice flat middle area it nestles into. You do have to cut a notch in the plastic lip that protrudes down under the bumper. Quick operation with a dremel. The gap isn't visible once this is installed. You drill a couple holes underneath the bumper skin. Push in some rubber things with metal nuts in them, akin to a molly bolt function. Run the wires up, find a place to stick the box and connect ground and power.


    I have no idea how well it would fit under a stock bumper.


    Oh, and Edge, I was showing it to someone about two weeks ago. I gave them the remote to play and we went back into the restaurant. They left the tag hidden which I didn't notice. Within 20 minutes a Arlington Meter Maid had ticketed my car for 'no front tag displayed', and no the meter was not expired. They wrote it up just because of the tag. So add $40.00 to the cost of my set up! Hahahahahaa

  10. Thanks guys. I sure like it. I had the car out at Mach V a couple weeks ago for a exhaust tweak, and one of the techs came back and asked about it, they noticed it under the car. I handed him the remote. He came back a in a bit to return it and told me I'd just sold about 5 of them. Hahahahahhah


    Off topic, but since I mentioned them, the guys at Mach V were a big help again. I'd developed a rattle in my Magnaflow. They dropped it and managed to shake and bang out the loose flotsom that had accumulated in the resonator. I've read of Millteks doing that too. Put er all back and now nice and quiet. Well, hardly quiet actually but no rattle! :D

  11. Now you don't :D


    For those who haven't had a look yet.




    The Stow n Go retractor from AltecProducts.com, and pre painted chili red bumper plugs from bumperplugs.com. OK Got that part out of the way!


    The Stow n Go works via remote, comes with two. I actually put it on back before Christmas. I think the most fun I had was at the one car show I've been to since, the Euro one in Vienna for Toys for Tots. Stood back a way and would retract it occasionally as people from other cars walked up. The Euro 'Tuner' crowd loved it! hahahahahahahaha


    I've hated the look of the tag in front of the aero kit since day one. The bumper plugs I guess I could buy and paint, but these are perfect in appearance and I don't mind the look of them at all. I was going to do a tow hook mount but searched the hot rod sites and what have you till I found this.


    They have a manual version you can just grab and push under or pull out too for half the $. I had thought to have one wired to the ignition, but it's a simple widget you have to hold the button till it's all the way out or in. So to wire it to ignition would require a timed latch circuit. I decided to order anyway as I leave the tag visible MOST of the time. I really only retract it at MINI and other 'car functions'.

  12. I'll be there. Might cut back from a week or more to 4-5 days this year. I've reservations for a room at the Inn as well. I'll get around to reg'ing soon. Just got back from a 2 week vacation and will now start to look ahead to this and other spring stuff.

  13. Back in High School I told the jerky kid across the street that he needed to change his tires over to 'Summer Air'. I told him that since he had 'Winter Air' in his tires he'd never get an accurate pressure reading and that he needed to 'drain' the more dense 'Winter Air' and refill his tires with the current less dense air. I lectured him at length about cooler gases being more dense etc. Like most good B.S. there were just enough points in it he thought he understood to get him to buy it hook line and sinker.


    The best part is he used one of the really cheap 12V cig lighter powered ones and it took probably 20 minutes per tire. :D

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