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Posts posted by VioletDC

  1. My problem is that State Farm keeps insisting I have the body shop look under the hood but they are a body shop, I want Sterling to give me a looksee. :frown:


    Well, that's interesting. When Scoopie had her mishaps, my ins. co. (Progressive) had their body/repair shop do all the work (which was excellent, btw). When parts needed to be ordered, they got the correct pieces/parts and installed them, as well. Maybe State Farm has that same level of expertise w/their shop; i.e., it's not just a body shop. Just wondering ...

  2. Wow! LOL! Must've come from some1 w/a whole passel of kids (& secretly wondering Why, WHY did I do this 2 myself, Lawd?), all the while fightin' w/their carseats/strollers & diaper bags, drivin' a minivan, couldn't stand the sight of ONE MORE MINI in their midst & noticed how happy the driver was, and just couldn't take it one ... more ... cotton-pickin ... minute! :rofl:


    The comments are hilarious!

  3. Violet, all that chrome hurt my eyes to look at the picture! Are you sure you don't want to try a Joey Mod on it??? :) Maybe we could do it in body color! Tone down that front end shine just a bit! :)


    LOL ... y're u hatin' on Scoopie's chrome so much, Craig? If we did a Joey Mod in PH, the purple-tinged light/projector thingy wouldn't show as much. :frown: We can't have the 'wow factor' of it all getting lost in the shuffle, now, can we? :biggrin:


    Carman - you should see the backs of my hands today! I have one thumb and 2 fingers without cuts and scrapes and the backs of my hands look like a lost a fight with a 6 toed, 5 legged cat!. Of course, it was all my fault, I could have "worked smarter" on that project.Craig


    Carman, yes, he was a mess afterwards, but he did a damned fine job in spite of it all! :top:

  4. Oh, yes, and they're gorgeous! I love 'em!


    Here's a pic of one of 'em I took w/my cell--Scoopie's 2 dirty now, but after she gets her very first detail this Saturday, I'll take lots of new pics and post 'em in my gallery. :biggrin:



    This must mean you got your Xenon's installed!! COOL!!



  5. Scoopie has new xenon eyes, :biggrin: so I'm selling her OEM halogens.


    They're in great condition other than a couple of tiny rock pits on the chrome portion (damned potholes and the vehicles that kick up debris!). There's also one screw missing that can easily be found at Home Depot. Selling the pair for $100.


    PM me if you're interested!



    Violet & Scoopie



  6. Wow, is right, Jay.



    That's quite the laundry list u have there, tvrgeek. I have an '06 auto MCS, and haven't heard, let alone experienced any of those things! The only thing I asked MoS about a year or so ago was some hesitation on takeoff w/in the first few minutes of starting the car. They checked and checked, but couldn't find anything wrong. Other than that, Scoopie's been a gem. I hope they get your issues straightened out w/the quickness so u can start 2 truly enjoy your MINI. But, to answer your question, no, it's not typical.

  7. Violet,

    Did the kit come with directions? I'm willing to jump into it if you want to get your hands dirty with it.




    Hey Craig,


    No, unfortunately, there aren't any instructions. I just emailed the seller to see if they'll email some instructions for me. I've been all over NAM looking for some, but didn't see any there, either. Some folks mentioned a flickering issue and purchased a converter thingamabob from Radio Shack (a mere .70 item), which is no problem. I don't mind getting my hands dirty, though, if you're willing to go thru the process w/me! Thanks so much!

  8. Hey Every1,


    Scoopie just got a set of new Xenons to replace her stock eyes, and if there's any1 out there who can: 1) recommend a MINI-friendly local auto shop that wouldn't charge 2 limbs 2 install them 4 me; or 2) has the know-how & free time 2 do the same for a six-pack and some pizza of their choice. :embarassed:


    Please let me know! I'm free next wkend (2/27-28) if the 2nd option works 4 any1.



    Vi & Scoopie

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