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DCMM Scavenger Hunt


Event details



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<p><strong>DC Metro MINIs Scavenger Hunt</strong></p>

<p><strong>Sunday, May 23rd</strong></p>

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<p><strong>WHERE TO MEET:</strong> Sterling Wegmans parking lot (North-East corner)</p>

<p><strong>WHEN:</strong> Sunday, May 23rd at 10am. It is in your best interest to be there on time, as that will allow you more time to find the items!</p>

<p><strong>WHAT TO BRING:</strong> Full tank of gas, a navigator, <strong>a digital camera with a blank memory card, </strong>two-way radios could be helpful but are not required.</p>

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<p><strong>How this will work: </strong>When you check in, you will receive a packet with the rules and the list of items/places you need to find. You will not be allowed to open this until 10am! </p>

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<p>Though not required, a navigator would be very helpful. You can have up to 4 people on your team. It's limited to 4 for safety reasons, you don't have 5 seatbelts in your MINI. </p>

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<p>Most of the things/places you need to find are in Northern Virginia and DC. There is no way you can find everything on the list, but it will likely be a long day of driving . </p>

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<p>You will need to turn in your items/pictures by 4pm. We will be meeting at <strong>Union Jacks Pub in Ballston Mall in Arlington VA. </strong>There is a parking garage attached to the mall that only charges $1. I will be at Union Jacks by 3:00pm should you want to return early. Food and drink will be available for purchase. </p>

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<p><strong>Cost: </strong>Free for members. $5 for non-members (to cover the costs of supplies/prizes). If even ONE member of your team is a member, it is free! </p>







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