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2nd Annual MINIs Rally Against Melanoma

Event details



Last year we did a Time Speed and Distance Rally and it was fun.




This year we're doing a Gimmick Rally. It too will be a lot of fun and will test your skills of cunning and observation.








<strong>We also have a prize for the best rally themed car!!!</strong>








The start will be in the parking lot near the Ruby Tuesday in Gateway Center in Gainesville, VA. We'll be ending inside the beltway. The route promises to be challenging, adventurous and a lot of fun. Here's a link to the starting point




<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Ruby+Tuesday,+Iron+Bar+Lane,+Gainesville,+VA&hl=en&sll=29.797005,112.818555&sspn=27.503239,34.145508&doflg=ptm&t=h&z=16" rel="external nofollow">http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Ruby+Tuesday,+Iron+Bar+Lane,+Gainesville,+VA&hl=en&sll=29.797005,112.818555&sspn=27.503239,34.145508&doflg=ptm&t=h&z=16</a>








If you're coming from inside the beltway take 66 West




exit at 43A route 29 south




merge in to 29 south, get left




take a left at the first light onto Linton Hall Rd




left at the first light onto Gateway Center Drive




1st left onto Iron Bar, we're meeting in the lot to the left by the Liberty Mutual.








We'll also be raising funds for the Melanoma Research Foundation. They're a great organization that has funded many grants to forward research into treatments, education and hopefully a cure for Melanoma. Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer with a very low survival rate. We're working hard to change that!!!








<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>How this rally works</strong></span>








Cars will leave in intervals




You should have at least 2 people in your MINI (not limited to MINIs). This rally works best with a driver and a navigator, if you have a third person it could be even better.








You will be provided with a set of directions, the directions will be very clear. Within the directions will be questions based on sites along the route. A question could be answered by the name of a cross street, or an image on a sign. You may need to pull off the edge of the road to find an answer, but you do not need to leave the route. You will be told if a question requires leaving the car to find the answer. All directions and questions are in the order that you will find them. For example, if we have you on street A and then you turn onto street B, the next questions would be about the stretch of Street B that you're on, there will not be a question about Street A. Questions will also be in order.








A sample question could be "What color is the tiger's sweater?". It could come between direction 10 and 11, so between that stretch you are looking for a sign or statue that has a tiger wearing a sweater. It will be very clear when you find the right answer.








You do not get points based off of your time and you will be given ample time to complete the route, stop for a snack etc. They say the first person in is never the winner. Ties are determined by mileage, you tell me your mileage, you can give your exact mileage or just tell me what you think it should have been. If there's a tie, it goes to the person that is closest without going under.








Like last year I am working on getting some good sponsors to provide some fun prizes to the participants. We will also be raffling off some prizes. I have received confirmation from Go Badges and Prima products that they are sending raffle prizes.








<strong>Registration cost</strong>: $25 per car (tax deductible)




<strong>Registration time</strong>: 9:30 - 10:00




<strong>Start time:</strong> 10:30








You can prepay on our event page by making a minimum $25 donation here




<a href="http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/CAWilliams/2ndannualminisrallyagainstmelanoma2011/event" rel="external nofollow">http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/CAWilliams/2ndannualminisrallyagainstmelanoma2011/event</a>








<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Things to bring</strong></span>




A clipboard and a pen




A map either on your smart phone or on paper. It helps if you get off track, to get you back on track.








Checks are made out to MRF (Melanoma Research Foundation)








<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>GOODIE BAGS we have em!! For up to 30 cars.</strong></span>




The Melanoma Research Foundation hooked us up. I have sunscreen, sun sticks, sun detection wrist strips, black cancer bracelets, black ribbon magnets and a few other goodies. Passport MINI also hooked us up with some fun MINI swag!








<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sponsors</span></strong>




Prima Car care








Go Badges







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