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Free front bumper in hyper blue

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So i've been hanging onto my old hyper blue bumper for the last 7 years in the event of a fender bender, if i wanted to change bumpers and even used it as office art for a couple years. I've kept it beautiful and perfect for all these years. . .sometime in the last week a stack of boxes fell over in my storage unit and knocked the bumper into a concrete wall which scraped the crap out of it. . .sooooo I've decided that it's time to let it go. It's hyper blue, the structure of it is in great condition but the paint is scraped up pretty good. Since it's no longer perfect I can't get much out of it and I don't want to deal with shipping. . .since I'm lazy it's your's for free! It's located in Clarendon. . .in 2 weeks it goes in the dumpster. I've hauled it in my MINI before so I know it'll fit in yours.

Alice Cooper - Hyper Blue R53 with a few light mods

???? - Montego Blue 335xi with even lighter mods



Needed one too...Well, if they pick up falls through, put me in for second in line.

03 BRG MINI S: Sold!

05 PW Scion xB: D2 Coilovers, XXR 531 16x8, Yakima rack, Yakima basket, WINK, Plaid interior, and a whopping 108 HP!

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